Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem ANBC Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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FoodScience III
Class: BSc.
Group: ANBC
1:basics of food science, cereals and millets
Short answers
1. Enumerate the functions of food and the objectives of cooking.
2. Structure of cereal grain
3. Definition of food science
4. Prebiotics and probiotics
5. Role of cereals in cookery
6. Discuss various cooking methods in detail
7. Write about types of millets
8. Write a note on preliminary preparations
9. Nutritive value of cereals
Long answers:
1. describe the cereal structure, composition and nutritive value
2. describe the cereal structure and its method of processing
3. write in detail the role of antioxidants and phytochemicals . Add a note on method
of cooking
4. write about objectives of cooking and cooking methods
5. explain the various types of millets
6. explain the various preliminary preparation in details
7. write in detail the nutritive value of cereals and millets. Also discusss the method
of processing and their role in nutrition
Short answers:
1. Germination and its significance in nutrition process
2. Processing of curd and the nutritional importance of curd.
3. Role of pulses in cookery
4. Role of milk in cookery
5. Types of milk
6. Describe types of fermented milk products
7. Describe type of non fermented milk product
8. Processing of cheese
9. Processing of paneer and khoa
10. Anti- nutritional factors
Long answers
1. Enumerate the various anti nutritional factors in pulses and note on their
2. Write in detail the nutritive value and processing of milk
3. Write in detail the nutritive value of pulses and add a note on germination
4. Describe in detail the fermented and non fermented milk product
5. Describe processing of cheese and curd
6. Describe processing of paneer and khoa
7. Write in detail on the types of milk and composition of milk
UNIT:3 Fleshy foods spices,condiments and beverages
Short answers:
1. selection and spoilage of fish
2. Types of beverages and their roles
3. Sources and types of meat
4. Post mortem changes in meat
5. Nutrient composition in meat
6. Role of egg in cookery
7. Role of spices and condiments in cookery
8. Structure of egg
9. Composition of egg
Nutritive value of egg
Types of spices and their significance
Long answers:
1.Discuss the nutritive value, post mortem changes and tenderisation of meat
1. Write about the structure and nutritive value of egg
2. Write about different types of condiments and spices and add a note on their role
in cookery
3. Write about different types of beverages and add a note on their role in cookery
4. Write about various types of spices and beverages and their role in cookery.add a
note on role of egg in cookery
5. Explain structure composition and nutritive value of egg
6. Explain the nutrient composition,post mortem changes and processing of meat
7. Explain the classification,types and selection of fish .add a note on nutritive value
of fish
1. Types of natural sweetness and their role in cookery
2. Types of pigments in vegetables and fruits
3. Role of sugar in cookery
4. Role of fats and oils in cookery
5. Write about the organic acid ,enzymes and flavour compound in vegetables
6. Polyphenols and flavour constituents in fruits
7. Cellulose and pectic substances in fruits
8. Write about pigments and water content of fruits
9. Changes during ripening
10. Enzymatic browning in fruits
11. Types of sugar
12. Sources of sugar
13. Spoilage of fats and oils-rancidity
14. Hydrogenation
15. Types of fats and oils
1. Discuss the classification ,nutritive value and methods to retain the nutrients
in vegetables
2. Discuss the classification , nutritive value and changes during ripening of
fruits and write about enzymatic browning in fruits and vegetables
3. Write about the types and sources of sugar and jaggery.add a note on their
role in cookery
4. Write in detail the types and spoilage of fats and oils
5. Write about rancidity and hydrogenation of fats and oils.add a note on their
role in cookery
6. Explain the sources ,types and role of sugar,jaggery,fats and oils.add a note
on changes that occur during fruit ripening
7. Explain in detail the composition of vegetables and fruits add a note on their
nutritive value.
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021