Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Bioenergetics Biological Oxidation and Enzymology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Bioenergetics Biological Oxidation and Enzymology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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y Degree
Subject Title: Bioenergetics, Biological Oxidations Prepared by: S. Thejaswi
Year: II
Semester: III
Updated on: 19-8-
Essay Questions
Write about the structure, Types and functions of Cytochromes?
Write briefly about High energy Compounds and Free energy?
Define High energy compounds? Write about its classification with examples?
Short Questions
Substrate level phosphorylation
Phosphate Transfer potential
Exergonic & Endergonic reaction
Entropy & enthalpy
Unit - II: Biological Oxidation
Essay Questions
Write about the Various complexes involved in electron transport chain?
Define oxidative phosphorylation? Explain the theories proposed for it?
10. Define photosynthesis? Write about the Cyclic and Non cyclic oxidation?
Short Questions
11. Uncouplers.
12. Standard redox potential & its Examples.
13. Formation Reactive oxygen Species.
14. Inhibitors of ETC
15. F0- F1ATPase
Unit - III: Introduction To Enzymology:
Essay Questions
16. Write about the nomenclature and the classification of Enzymes?
17. Explain the methods of Enzyme purification ?
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18. Difference Between catalyst & Biocatalyst?
19. Explain the principles of activation &transition state? Write about the models of interaction
between enzyme & substrate?
Short Questions
20. Active Site
21. Enzyme specificity
22. Coenzyme
23. Apo enzyme ,Enzyme Units
24. Lock & Key Model
Unit - IV: Enzyme kinetics and Enzyme action
Essay Questions
25. Write about the mechanism of enzyme action?
26. Derive Michaelis ?Menton Equation for single substrate reaction? Significance of Km& Vmax
27. Write about the types of enzyme inhibition with examples?
28. Define Allosterism? Explain the allosterism with example?
29. Write about the various factors affecting the catalysis?
Short Questions
30. Isoenzyme
31. Multi enzyme Complexes
32. Covalent modification of Enymes
33. Zymogens Activation
34. Ribozyme
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
