Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Biofertilizers Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Biofertilizers
Prepared by: K Gouthami
Year: II year
Semester: III
Updated on: 19-08-
Unit - I: Essay Questions:
Describe the role of Biofertilizers in agriculture.
Give an account on Biofertilizers.
Describe the method of preparation of Rhizobium pure culture.
Write the steps of isolation of Rhizobium from root nodules.
Explain the mass production of Rhizobium fertilizer.
Explain the isolation and mass multiplication of Azospirillum.
7. Explain the mass multiplication of Azotobacter.
Role of Blue Green Algae and Azolla in rice cultivation.
BGA, Azolla and Anabaena azollae association.
Short Questions:
10. What are carrier based inoculants?
11. How will you isolate Azospirillum?
12. Actinorrhizal symbiosis.
13. Free living nitrogen fixing biofertilizer.
14. Isolation and identification of Azotobacter spp.
15. Characteristics and classification of Azotobacter.
16. Anabaena and nitrogen fixation.
17. Define biofertilizers and add note on its importance.
Unit ? II: Essay Questions
18. List out the steps involved in production of VAM inoculum.
19. Give an account on organic farming.
20. Give an account on Mycorrhizal association.
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Short Questions:
21. Define mycorrhizae.
22. Define organic farming and add a note on its importance.
23. Define fertilizer.
24. Distinguish humus and compost.
25. Comment on green manure with example.
26. Types and methods of vermicomposting.
27. Types of mycorrhizae.
28. Isolation of VAM.
29. VAM fungi.
30. Preparation of biocompost.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021