Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Food and Environmental Microbiology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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I S Sadan
Subject Title: Food & Environmental Microbiology
Prepared by: R Jhansi
Year: II
Semester: III
Updated on: 23.12.2020
Unit - I: Fermented Foods
Short Answer type Questions:
Fermented foods.
Health aspects of fermented food.
Fermented vegetables.
Dairy Products.
Microbial products of milk.
10 Microorganisms as food.
11 Probiotics.
12 Prebiotics.
Essay Answer type Questions:
13 Write an account on processing and fermentation of vegetables?
14 Give an account on dairy microbiology?
15 Give an account on microorganisms in milk and its significance?
16 Discuss in detail about microbial products of milk?
17 Give an account on probiotics and prebiotics?
18 Discuss in detail about fermented food and its health aspects?
19 What is cheese? Describe main steps involved in cheese production?
20 What is Single cell protein? Describe various microorganisms involved in the production of SCP?
Unit - II: Microbial food spoilage and poisoning
Short Answer type Questions:
21 Food Poisoning.
22 Mycotoxins.
23 Food Preservation.
24 Food safety issues.
25 Quality control.
26 Spoilage Microorganisms.
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Essay Answer type Questions:
27 Give an account on microbial spoilage of food?
28 Discuss in detail about microbial food poisoning? Add an account on its risk and hazards?
29 Write an account on food preservation?
30 Give an account on importance and functions of quality control of food?
31 Write an account on quality assessment of food?
32 Give an account on screening and enumeration of spoilage microorganisms?
33 Discuss in detail about detection of pathogens in food?
Unit - III: Air and Water Microbiology
Short Answer type Questions:
34 Air Microorganisms.
35 Water pollution.
36 Sanitary quality of water.
37 Anaerobic sewage treatment.
38 Chlorination.
Essay Answer type Questions:
39 What is sewage? Describe municipal treatment process of sewage treatment?
40 Give a brief account on microorganisms in air and their importance?
41 Write an account on water borne pathogenic microorganisms and their transmission?
42 Write an account on aerobic and anaerobic sewage treatment?
Unit - IV: Soil Microbiology
Short Answer type Questions:
43 Soil microorganisms.
44 Microbial and plants interactions.
45 Bioremediation.
46 Microbial degradation of organic pollutants.
47 Carbon Cycle.
48 Nitrogen cycle.
Essay Answer type Questions:
49 Give a brief description on properties of soil?
50 Give an account on methods of enumeration and activity of microbes in environment?
51 Write an account on different microbes and plant interactions?
52 Define Biodegradation? Describe the process of biodegradation of natural organic compounds?
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021