Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Microbial Physiology and Enzymology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Microbial Physiology and Enzymology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Second year Third Semester
Question bank

Subject title- Microbial Physiology and Enzymology
Class:B.Sc Group:Common for
MbBcC & MbBtC
Unit - I Microbial Nutrition and Photosynthesis
Short answers
1. Microbial Nutrition.
2. Macro Nutrients.
3. Micro Nutrients.
4. Growth factors.
5. Facilitated Diffusion.
6. Active Transport.
7. Group Translocation.
8. Photolithoautotrophs.
9. Chemolithoautotrophs.
10. Photo-organoheterotrophs.
11. Chemo-organoheterotrophs.
12. Methylotrophs.
13. Mixotrophs.
14. Autotrophs.
15. Heterotrophs.
16. Chlorophylls.
17. Bacteriocholrophyll.
18. Carotenoids.
19. Phycobiliprotein.
20. Cyclic photophosphorylation.
21. Non-Cyclic photophosphorylation.
22. Anoxygenic photosynthesis.

Long answers

1. Write note on Vitamines and their function in a bacterial cell.
2. What is nutrition? Give a detail account of nutritional requirement of

3. What is activetransport? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by this
4. What is Facilitated diffusion? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by
this mechanism.
5. What is Grouptranslocation? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by
this mechanism.
6. Discuss the process of Photo-organoheterotrophs and Chemo-
organoheterotrophs in detail.
7. Discuss the process of Photoithoautotrophs and Chemolithoautotrophs
in detail.
8. What are methylotrophs? How do they differ from methanogens?
9. Describe the photosynthetic apparatus in prokaryotes.
10. Describe briefly about anoxygenic photosynthesis.
11. Describe briefly about oxygenic photosynthesis.
Unit - II Microbial Growth
Short answers

1. Growth media.
2. Synthetic Media.
3. Non-Synthetic Media
4. Enrichment Media.
5. Selective Media.
6. Differential Media.
7. Transport Media.
8. Synchronous Growth Culture.
9. Batch Culture.
10. Continuous Culture
11. Bi-Phasic(Diauixic Growth)
12. Viable count.
13. Turbidometry.
14. Direct Microscopic.
Long answers
1. Describe different phases of growth in Batch Culture of microorganism.
2. Explain different types of Growth media used for culturing
3. What is Continuous Culture? Why is Continuous culture system so
useful to microorganism?
4. Describe various methods used to measuring Microbial growth.
5. Briefly discuss the Factors Influencing Microbial growth.
6. What is Synchronous growth culture? Why Synchronous growth
system so useful to microorganism?

7. What is Biphasic growth? Why Synchronous growth system so useful
to microorganism?
Unit III ? Microbial Metabolism
Short answers

1. Aerobic Respiration.
2. Glycolysis.
3. Hexose Mono-Phosphate Pathway
4. ED Pathway.
5. Anaplerotic Reaction
6. Oxidative Phosphorylation
7. Proton Motive Force
8. Substrate Level Phosphorylation
9. -Oxidation of Fatty Acids
10. Glyoxylate Cycle
11. Nitrate Respiration
12. Sulphate Respiration
13. Alcohol Fermentation
14. Lactic Acid Fermentation
Long answers
1. Explain briefly about anaerobic respiration.
2. What do you understand by electron transport chain?
3. Explain briefly about Glycolysis cycle?
4. Explain briefly about HMP cycle?
5. Explain briefly about E D pathway?
6. Explain briefly about TCA cycle?
7. Write difference between Oxidative Phosphorylation and Substrate
Level Phosphorylation?
8. Give an account of -Oxidation of fatty acids.
9. Explain briefly about aerobic respiration?
10. Explain briefly about Glyoxylate Cycle.
11. Give an account on Lactic acid fermentation
12. Give an account on Alcohol fermentation
Unit IV - Ezyme
Short answers.

1. Enzymes
2. Enzyme Unit
3. Bio-catalysis
4. Lock and Key model
5. Induced fit model
6. Co-enzyme

7. Co-factor
8. Competitive Inhibition
9. Un-Cometitive inhibition
10. Non-Cometitive inhibition
11. Allosteric Regulation
12. Activation energy.
Long answers
1. Give an account on Classification of Enzymes and Nomenclature of
2. What is Co-enzyme? Discuss their role in catalytic activity in living
3. Give a detailed account in inhibition of enzyme activity.
4. What is Bio-catalysis?
5. Write in detail about the factor affecting the catalytic activity of
6. Give an account on Induced fit model of enzyme?
7. Give an account on Lock and Key model of enzyme?
8. Give an account on properties of enzyme.

This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
