Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Sericulture Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Sericulture
Prepared by: Mohammadi sultana
Year: II Year
Semester: III Semester
Updated on: 20-08-
Unit - I: Sericulture
Short Answers
Introduction of sericulture.
History and economic importance of sericulture.
Write a short note on Mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori).
Write a short note on Non-Mulberry silkworm (Tasar, Eri, Muga).
Write a short note on Silkgland.
define Intercultivation process.
Write short note on Prunning Method with Merits and Demerits.
What is Harvesting? Explain the Harvesting methods?
Long Answers:
Explain in detailed about the lifecycle of Bombyx mori ?
10. Write an essay on Mulberry cultivation? And classification of mulberry plants along with its
geographical distribution and climatic condition for the mulberry growth.
11. Write an essay on Diseases of Mulberry with suitable examples?
12. Write an essay on Pest of Mulberry with suitable examples?
Unit ? II: Sericulture Techniques
Short Answers.
13. Write short note on Post cocoon Process.
14. Write short note ob Bed cleaning process.
15. Define moulting process? And how care should be taken during the moulting process.
16. Write short note on feeding. Explain the quality of feeding and frequency of feeding.
Long Answers.
17. Write an essay on Silkworm rearing, principles of silkworm rearing and primary requisite for
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successful silkworm rearing?
18. Write an essay on Diseases of Silkworm and how many types of disease are seen in silkworm
with a suitable examples?
19. Write an essay on Pest of Silkworm and how many types of Pest are seen in silkworm with a
suitable examples?
20. What is Reeling Appliances? And explain the process of Reeling cocoon.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021