Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Medicinal Botany Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 3rd Sem Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Medicinal Botany Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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II Year III Semester Botany Question Bank
Subject title: Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Medicinal Botany
Faculty Name: Noori Sultana
Long questions :15m
Unit I :
1) Bentham and Hookers system of classification with merits & demerits
2) Engler & Prantl's classification
3) Chemotaxonomy
4) Embryology in relation to taxonomy
Unit II :
5) Systematic study and economic importance of families- Annonaceae
6) Fabaceae
7) Cucurbitaceae
8) Euphorbiaceae
9) Ascelpiadiaceae
10) Orchidaceae
Unit III :
11) Basic concepts of Ayurveda system of medicine
12) Homeopathy system
13) Unani Tibb
14) Biological source, chemical constituents & medicinal value of Tulsi & Piper
Unit IV:
15) Different concepts of health & disease and comparison of modern medicine with
traditional medicine
16) Description of Ashwagandha and Rauwolfia
17) Various systems of classification of crude drugs with merits and demerits
18) Evaluation of Crude drugs
Unit I :
1) Cytotaxonomy
2) Binomial nomenclature
4) Herbarium
5) APG system
6) Rosids

7) Asterids
Unit II
8) Economic importance of Fabaceae
9) Floral characters of Asteraceae,Economic imp.Pollination mechanism
10) Pollination mechanism in Ascelpiadiaceae & taxonomic affinities
11) Floral characters of Amaranthaceae
12) Polination in Orchids
13) Poaceae
Unit III :
15) NMPB
17) CDRI
18) Ethnomedicine
19) Traditional medicine VS Modern medicine
20) Kaya-kalpa
21) Tinospora
22) Terminalia
23) Aloe vera
24) Turmeric
Unit IV :
25) Lycopodium spore method
26) Pharmocological classification of drugs
27) Biological classification of drugs
28) Collection method of drugs
29) Storage of drugs
30) Adulteration of drugs
31) Indian pharmacopeia
32) Medicinal uses & chemical constituents of Amla
33) Jalabrahmi
34) Myrobalan
35) Ashwagandha
36) Sarpagandha

This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
