Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 4th Sem Intermediary Metabolism Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Intermediary Metabolism
Prepared by: S. Thejaswi
Year: II
Updated on: 22-3-
Unit - I: Amino acid Metabolism
Essay Questions :
Write about the general reactions of aminoacids?
Elucidate the steps involved in the urea cycle and its regulation?
Write briefly about the Metabolism of Aromatic amino acids?
Write briefly about the Metabolism of Branched chain amino acids?
Short Answer:
Metabolism of Glycine
Biosynthesis of creatinine
Catabolism of carbon skeleton of aminoacids
10. Mapple syrup disease
Unit - II: Carbohydrate Metabolism
Essay Questions :
11. Write in detail about the Light reaction of Photosynthesis?
12. Write briefly about the dark reactions of Photosynthesis?
13. Elucidate the steps involved in the HMP pathway &its importance?
14. Explain the metabolism of Glycogen?
15. Write in detail about the Gluconeogenesis?
Short Answers
10. Fate of pyruvate
11. Anaplerotic reactions
12. C4 pathway
13. CAM plants
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14. Anabolism & Catabolism
15. Pasteur effect
Unit - III: Lipid Metabolism
Essay Question
16. Write about the - oxidation of fatty acids (Even &odd Chain)
17. Explain the Biosynthesis of Cholesterol and its regulation?
18. Explain the biosynthesis of Fatty acid synthesis?
Short Answers
19. Biosynthesis of Triacylglycerides
20. Ketogenesis
21. Lecithin Synthesis
Unit - IV: Nucleic acid Metabolism
Essay Questions
22. Write in detail about the synthesis of Purines and its regulation
23. Write in detail about the synthesis of Pyrimidines and its regulation
24. Biosynthesis and Degradation Heme
25. Write about the synthesis and catabolism of purines?
26. Write about the synthesis and catabolism of pyrimidines?
Short Questions
27. Gout
28. Lesch-Nynan syndrome
29. Biosynthesis of Deoxynucleotide
30. Catabolism of Purines
31. Catabolism of Pyrimidines
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021