Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 1st Sem General Microbiology I Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 1st Sem General Microbiology I Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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B Sc I Year I Semester-Question Bank

Subject: General Microbiology- I

Group: Common for Mb Bt C
& Mb Bc C
UNIT-I: History of Microbiology

Short questions:
1. What are microbes? Why microorganisms cannot be studied without help of a
microscope ?
2. Who two other microbiologists were awarded Noble prize in 1952 along with
Alexander Flemming?
3. Briefly describe the event of the discovery of microbial life?
4. Describe Koch postulates?
5. For which contribution Edward jenner is still remembered?
6. Write short notes on contributions of Iwanovski & Beijerinck?
7. What are Biopesticides?
8. Contributions of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek?
9. Write short notes on Paul Ehrlich?
10. Describe Briefly about "Founder of soil Microbiology"?
Essay questions:
1. Write an account on the discovery of microbes & the establishment of biogenesis
2. Write an essay on the development of microbiology during 20th century?
3. Why Pasteur is said to be the "founder of Microbiology"? Describe in detail?
4. Give details of the contributions of Jenner & Flemming in Microbiology?
5. Describe in detail the contribution of Louis Pasteur in microbiology?
6. What is Microbiology? Describe Its Applications in detail?
UNIT ?II: Microscopy

1. Short Questions:
2. Dark field microscope
3. Phase contrast Microscope
4. Difference between SEM & TEM
5. Difference between bright field & Dark field Microscopes
6. Chromophore & Auxochrome
7. Simple Staining
8. Hanging Drop method
9. Capsule Stainig
10. Flagella Staining
11. Endospore staining

12. Occular & Stage Micrometer
Essay Questions:
1. Give a suitable illustration of a Bright field microscope & Discuss the functions of its
essential parts?
2. Discuss the process of the measurement of the size of microbe by bright field
microscope with the help of a suitable diagram?
3. Write an essay on Electron Microscopy?
4. Describe in detail the procedure of Differential Staining?
5. Write an essay on Phase contrast microscope?

UNIT- III : Biology of Microorganisms
1. Short Questions:
2. Whittaker's Concept
3. Domain System of Classification
4. Cavalier-Smith Concept
5. Merits & Demerits of Five Kingdom Classification
6. Bergey's Manual
7. Heterocyst
8. Mycoplasma
9. Rickettsia
10. Carl Woese's concept
Essay Questions:
1. What are actinomycetes? Why they are medically important?
2. What is Bacteria? Discuss the general characters of bacteria in detail?
3. Name the characteristics which occur in Archaea but lack in Bacteria?
4. What are the three Domains of life? Who proposed this system?
5. Discuss in detail the general characters of a cyanobacterial cell?
6. Discuss the structure & functions of Mycoplasma?
UNIT-IV: Structure of Microorganisms

Short questions:
1. Cell Wall
2. Ribosomes
3. flagella
4. TMV
5. HIV
6. Yeast
7. Lambda phage

Essay questions:
1. What are Viruses? Give their general characteristics?
2. Describe the structure & multiplication of HIV?
3. Discuss the structure & Multiplication of TMV?
4. What are Yeast? Describe the general characters of yeast in detail?
5. Describe the general characters & reproduction of protozoa in detail?
6. Write an essay on general characters of Moulds?
7. Write in detail about Microalgae?
8. Discuss in detail the ultra structure of Bacterial cell?

This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
