Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Cell Biology and Genetics Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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III Year V Semester Botany Question Ban
Subject title: Cell Biology andGenetics Faculty Name: Noori Sultana
Long questions :15m
Unit I
1. Ultra structure of typical plant cell
2. Structure and properties of different models of Plasma membrane
3. Watson and Cric 's model of DNA(structure,properties& functions)
4. Shape size and chemistry of Chromosome structure
5. Essay on Extra chromosomal DNA-mitochondrial & plasticity DNA
Unit II
1. Detail process of Meiosis I
2. Mendel's Monohybrid cross
3. Dihybrid cross experimenton Pisum
4. Mendel s Laws of Inheritance
5. Modification in dihybrid ratios due to interaction of genes(epistasis,non-eistasis)
6. Account on construction of Chromosome mapping(2point & 3point test crosses)
7. Mechanism of Crossing over and theories explaining its mechanism
Unit III
1. Mutations involving structural chromosomal
aberrations(deletions,duplications,translocation& inversion)
2. Numerical changes in chromosomes-Euploidy&Aneuploidy
3. Essay on Point Mutations
4. Polyploids with example crosses
5. Properties of Genetic code
6. Proaryotic and Euaryotic Replication of DNA
7. Steps involved in Transcription of protein synthesis
8. Steps involved in Translation
Unit I
1. Fine structure of cell wall
2. Cell organelles (plastids,mitochondria,Golgicomplex,ER,Nucleus,ribosomes)
3. Messelson and Stahl's experiment
4. Polytene/ giant chromosomes,B chromosomes
5. Lamp brush chromosomes
6. Plasmids
7. Euchromatin and Heterochromatin
8. aryotype
9. Types of RNA
Unit II
1. Prophase I
2. Complete and incomplete linage
3. Duplicate and collabrator genes
4. Supplementary genes
5. Complementary genes
6. Copy choice hypothesis
7. Sterns experiment
8. Tetrad analysis
9. Two point test cross
Unit III
1. Chemical mutagens
2. CIB method for detection of mutations
3. Muller 5 method
4. Lac operon
5. Mitochondrial DNA
6. Translation
7. Structure of gene
8. Transposons
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021