Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Clinical Dietetics Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Clinical Dietitics
Prepared by : Mehraj unnisa
Year:III. Semester: V
Updated on: 27 December 2020
Unit - I:
Essay Questions
1. Define Diet therapy and write about classification of Diet?
2. Write briefly about Role of Dietician?
3. 3.Therapeutic Modification of diets
4. Define Special feeding techniques and explain types involved in it?
5. Write in detail about enteral feeding?
6. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in fever?
7. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in typhoid ?
8. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in tuberculosis ?
Short Answers
1. Role of Dietician
2. Objectives of diet Dietician
3. Therapeutic Modification of diets
4. Types of Fever
5. Principle of diet in disease
Unit - II:
Essay Questions
1. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in Peptic Ulcer?
2. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in constipation?
3. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management constipation ?
4. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management nephritis?
5. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management Nephrosis ?
6. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management CRF ?
7. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management cirrhosis of liver ?
Short Answers
1. Types of Constipation
2. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management ARF?
3. Dietary guidelines in Nephrosis?
4. Types of hepatitis?
5. Causes, symptoms and dietary modification in infectious hepatitis?
Unit - III:
Essay Questions
1. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in Obesity ?
2. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in cardiovascular
3. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management in Diabetes
4. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management hypertension ?
5. Write briefly about the aetiology, symptoms &diet management Atherosclerosis ?
Short answers
1. Types of obesity
2. Types of underweight
3. Types of diabetes
4. Symptoms of diabetes
5. Health hazard related to obesity
6. DASH diet?
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021