Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Ecology and Biodiversity Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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BSC (CBCS) Botany- III Year Semester-V Paper VI- Question Ban Subject
Title- Ecology and Biodiversity
Faculty Name- . Gouthami
Essay Questions:
? What is an Ecosystem? Describe the different components of an
? What are the Ecological pyramids? Describe the pyramids of numbers,
biomass and energy?
? Give an account of energy flow in an ecosystem? How it confirms the law
of thermodynamics?
What do you understand by bio- geo chemical cycle? Give an account of
nitrogen cycle.
? Describe the ecosystem of a pond?
What is environment? Write in detail about the various spheres of
Write in detail about atmosphere and its layers.
What are heliophytes and sciophytes? Compare and contrast their
What are hydrophytes? Describe their important morphological and
anatomical characters?
Briefly discuss the ecological adaptation of xerophytes?
? Describe the effect of biotic factors on vegetation?
? Describe the role of light and temperature as ecological factors?
? Write in detail an essay on Edaphic factors?
Short Answer Questions:
? Food chain and food web.
? Carbon cycle.
? Halophytes.
? Process of soil formation.
? What are residual and transporter soils.
? Soil erosion and conservation.
? Soil profile.
Essay Questions:
? What is plant succession? Describe xerosere.
? Describe the hydrosere type of succession?
? Define primary productivity. Discuss different factors which influence
primary productivity of an ecosystem?
? Describe different characteristics shown by plant communities?
Short Answer Questions:
? Natality and mortality.
? Population growth and growth curves.
? Age pyramids.
? Biological spectrum.
? Rauniaer 's life- forms.
? Quadrats .
? P/R ratio.
? Secondary productivity.
Essay Questions:
? Enumerate the levels and types of biodiversity.
? Explain the value of biodiversity with examples.
? Explain the effects of biodiversity loss and the means to conserve it.
? Explain the different methods of biodiversity conservation.
? Define biodiversity hotspot and explain the hotspots of India.
? Why India is considered as megadiversity nation. Explain with reasons.
Short Answer Questions:
? Earth summit
? Ex-situ conservation
? In-situ conservation
? Endemic species of India.
? Different categories of IUCN red list.
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021