Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Immunology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Immunology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Third year Fifth Semester
Question ban

Subject title- IMMUNOLOGY
Class:B.Sc Group:Common for MbBcC & MbBtC
Unit - I History of Immunology
Short answers
1. Innate Immunity
2. Acquired Immunity
3. Humoral Immunity
4. Cell Mediated Immunity
5. Antigen
6. Antigenic determinants
7. Heptens
8. Antibodies
9. Ig D
10. Ig E
11. Ig A
12. Ig G
13. Ig M
14. Compliment
15. Opsonin-Dependent
16. Opsonin Independent
17. Epitopes
18. Super antigen
19. Antigenicity

Long answers

1. What is Immunity in what respect it is differentiated from Immune
2. Give an account of scope of Immunology?
3. Give a detail account of development of immunology?
4. What is innate Immunity? Give an account of types of Innate
5. What is phagocytises? Discuss its role in non ?specific host defence?

6. Define acquired immunity? Give an account on types of acquired
7. What is humoral Immunity? Describe the process of humoral
8. What is cell mediate Immunity? Describe the process of cell mediate
9. Define an antigen & an Immunogen. In what respect the Immunogen
differ from antigen?
10. Describe different types of antigen?
11. What are antibodies? Why a T-shaped antibody molecule became Y-
shaped after binding to antigen?
12. Describe different types of antibodies?
13. What is complement system? Write different types of complement
Unit II ? Cells & Organs of Immune System
Short answers
1. Thymus
2. Bursa of fabricus
3. Bone marrow
4. Spleen
5. Lymphnodes
7. B-lymphocytes
8. T-lymphocytes
9. Null cell
10. Monocytes
11. Macrophage
12. Neutrophills
13. Basophills
14. Eosinophills
15. Peyer's patah
16. Hematopoiesi
17. MHC
18. Dendriticcell
19. Mast cell
20. Antigen Present cell
Long answers

1. Describe briefly about primary lymphoid organ? List out primary
lymphoid organs & summarize their functions in Immune response?
2. Describe briefly about secondary lymphoid organs? List out
secondary lymphoid organs & summarize their functions in immune
3. What is B ? lymphocytes? Give an account and their characteristics
& differentiation & antibody formation?
4. What do you now about T ? lymphocytes? How do they originate &
differentiate in the body?
5. Describe briefly about Natural iller cells?
Unit III ? Antigen & Antibody Reaction
Short answers

1. Complement
2. Alternative pathway
3. Classical pathway
4. Lectin pathway
5. Agglutination
6. Blood groups
7. Precipitation
8. Neutralization
9. Complement fixation
11. RIA
12. Immunoflurosence
13. Antibody affinity
14. Gross reaction
15. Equilibrium
16. Antibody avidity
Long answers

1. Define antigen ? antibody interaction? Explain briefly the various
features of antigen ? antibody interaction in Vivo.
2. What is ELISA? Give an account on different type of ELISA?
3. Briefly explain ABO AND Rh blood groups and discuss their
4. Explain briefly about RIA?

5. Define antigen ? antibody interaction? Explain briefly the various
features of antigen ? antibody interaction in Vitro.
6. What is complement system? Write different types of complement
7. Describe the process of alternative pathway?
8. Describe the process of Classical pathway?
9. Describe the process of Lectin pathway?
10. Describe briefly about Complement fixation?
11. Describe briefly about Immunoflurosence?
Unit IV ? Immunological processes and application.
Short answers.

1. Hypersentivity.
2. Delayed hypersentivity.
3. Immediate hypersentivity.
4. Autoimmunity.
5. Polyclonal antibodies
6. Monoclonal antibodies
7. Vaccines.
8. Natural vaccine
9. Recombinants vaccine.
Long answers

1. Describe briefly about Polyclonal antibodies?
2. Describe briefly about Monoclonal antibodies?
3. Give an account of the technology used in the production of
Monoclonal antibodies?
4. Briefly discuss the various applications of Monoclonal antibodies?
5. What is hypersentivity? Write different types of hypersentivity
6. Write an essay on Autoimmunity?
7. Define vaccine? Describe briefly about various types o vaccine.
8. Describe briefly about recombinants vaccine.
9. Describe briefly about Natural vaccine.

This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
