Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Information Technologies 1 Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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BSC Life Science Question Ban
1. Explain the characteristics of a computer.
2. What is cache memory and primary memory?
3. What are the applications of computer?
4. Give the characteristics of the memory hierarchy chart.
5. How computer can be classified? Explain
6. Draw the basic bloc diagram of a digital computer and explain the functions
of each unit.
7. Explain the various memory hierarchies with neat bloc diagram.
8. Explain different types of input devices.
9. Describe various secondary storage devices.
10. Explain different types of output devices.
11. Explain the various generations of computer
12. Draw the bloc diagram of a computer and explain.
13. What is Memory? Explain types of memory in brief
14. With the help of a diagram, explain the utility if middleware.
15. What type of information is stored in the Process Control Bloc?
16. What is Firmware? Give its applications
17. Explain the term process synchronization.
18. Distinguish between application software and system software.
19. Explain in detail application software
20. What are the ways in which an organization can acquire software?
21. Explain the features of windows operating system.
22. Diagrammatically explain the states of processes.
23. What is the role of the operating system in Device management?
24. What is the role of the operating system in Security management?
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021