Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry.
Prepared by: S.Thejaswi
Semester: V
Updated on:19-8-
Unit - I: Physiology
Essay Questions
Write about the structure, Types and Mechanism of muscle contraction?
Write briefly about the structure of heart and explain the cardiac cycle?
Define Nerve impulse? Write about the propagation of nerve impulse?
Write briefly about the coagulation of blood?
Short Answers
Physiology of vision
Structure of Hemoglobin & its Function.
Composition of blood.
Digestion of proteins
Digestion of Carbohydrates
Unit - II:Endocrinology
Essay Questions
10. Write about the mechanism of hormones?( Steroid, Peptide, Hormones)
11. Write about physiology role & disorders of Thyroid?
12. Write about physiology role & disorders of growth hormones?
13. Write about physiology role & disorders of hormones of Gonads?
14. Write about physiology role & disorders of hormones of Adernals?
Short Answers
15. Hormones of Gastrointestinal tract.
16. Hormones of Parathyroid.
17. Hormones of placenta
Unit ? III: Organs & Organ Function Tests
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Essay Questions
18. Write briefly about the structure & function of liver?
19. Write briefly about the structure of Nephron? Explain the mechanism of urine formation?
20. Explain the various liver functioning test &its importance?
21. Explain the various idney functioning test &its importance?
22. Explain the role of idneys in maintaining acid bas e &electrolyte balance?
Short Answers
23. Abnormal Constituents of urine
24. Cardiac troponins
25. Biological Buffers
26. Serum enzymes in heart diseases
27. Serum enzymes in liver diseases
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
