Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 5th Sem Zoology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Question Ban
Zoology V Semester
1. What is digestion? Explain the process of chemical digestion of food materials lie
proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
2. Describe the process of digestion in a man.
3. What is absorption? Explain the process of absorption of carbohydrates, fats ,
proteins and vitamins.
4. Role of Pancreas
5. Bile and bile salts.
6. Absorption of vitamins.
7. Define Respiration. Explain its process.
8. Explain the transport of O2 and CO2.
9. Oxygen dissociation curve.
10. Chloride shift.
11. Describe the structure of Mammalian Heart.
12. Describe the mechanism of heart functions.
13. What is blood? Give an account of composition of blood.
14. Myogenic and Neurogenic hearts.
15. Cardiac Cycle.
16. Blood pressure and its role in exchange of materials in the capabilities.
17. Describe the structure and functions of a mammalian idney.
18. Formation of urea.
19. Ammonotelic and Ureotelic animals.
20. Counter current theory of urine formation.
21. Describe the physiology of urine formation and add a note on the functions of a
1. Describe the structure of a neuron and explain its functional properties.
2. Explain action potential and conduction
3. What is synapse ? Explain synaptic transmission.
4. Explain the theories of muscle contraction.
5. Sarcomere
6. Seletal muscle fibre
7. Structure of a neuron
8. Gonadial hormones
9. Explain the role of hormones in human reproduction
10. Pitutary gland
11. Thyroid gland
12. Critinism and Myxoedema
13. Placenta
14. pancrease
15. Osmoregulation in aquatic animals
16. Define enzyme? Explain its action.
17. Classification of enzymes.
18. Thermoregulation
Unit III
1.Explain the process of carbohydrates metabolism in mitochondria.
2.Protein metabolism.
3.Classification of Proteins.
4.Classification of carbohydrates.
5. Monosacharides.
6.Digestion of fats.
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021