Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Aquatic Biology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Aquatic Biology
Prepared by: S.Hema Latha
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 25.03.
Unit - I: Aquatic Biomes
Explain about the aquatic biomes
Describe the fresh water eco-system by taking lake as an example
Describe the wet lands
Describe the streams and rivers
Give a write up on estuaries and intertidal zones
Explain about oceanic pelagic zone
Explain about marine benthic zone
Explain about coral reefs
Unit - II: Fresh water Biology and Marine Biology
Explain about the origin and classification of lakes
10. Write about the lake morphometry.
11. Explain the physic-chemical characteristics of fresh water bodies ? light, temperature,
thermal stratification, dissolved solids, carbonates, bi-carbonates, phosphates and nitrates
12. Describe the turbidity, dissolved gases- Oxygen, Carbon dioxide
13. Describe the nutrient cycles - Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorous
14. Describe the different stages of stream development
15. Describe the physic-chemical environment of streams, adaptation of hill stream fishes
16. Describe the salinity and density of sea water
17. Explain the continental shelf - adaptation of deep sea organisms, sea weeds
Unit - III: Management of Aquatic Resources
18. Explain about the causes of Aquatic pollution
19. Describe the Eutrophication
20. Explain about the Management and conservation
21. Write about water pollution Acts of India
22. Describe the sewage treatment and water quality assessment - BOD & COD
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021