Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Environmental Biotechnology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Environmental Biotechnology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Environmental Biotechnology
Prepared by: Arshiya Jabeen
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 23.03.
Unit - I: Environmental Pollution
Essay Questions:
1. What is pollution? Give an account on air pollution and its measurement methods.
2. Define pollutant. Explain different types of pollutants and their sources.
3. Explain in detail about water pollution. Suggest various methods of water conservation.
4. What are the different sources of pollution? Explain with examples.
5. Explain the impact of pollution on environment.
6. Describe land pollution in detail.
Short Questions:
7. What are the preventive measures of water pollution
8. Write a short note on Global warming.
9. What is green house effect
10. Biotic and inorganic pollutants.
11. Climate change
Unit - II: Bioenergy and Biofuels
Essay Questions:
12. What are fossil fuels? Explain their impact on environment.
13. What are non conventional fuels? Describe in detail Biomass as source of bioenergy.
14. What are Biofuels. Explain the production of Biodiesel and ethanol.
15. Describe in detail the production and uses of Biomethane and Biohydrogen.
Short Questions:
16. Define Renewable & Non renewable resources
17. Types of Biomass-plant animal and microbial biomass.
18. Biofuels
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19. Biohydrogen
Unit - III: Bioremediation and Restoration of Environment
Essay Questions:
20. Explain microbial treatment of waste water.
21. Define Bioremediation. Explain Bioremediation of toxic metal ions.
22. What are organic wastes? Describe in detail about their composting.
23. Describe in detail microbial bioremediation of pesticides and Xenobiotic compounds.
24. Define Biodiversity. Explain Ex-situ & In-situ conservation of biodiversity?
25. What is Phytoremediation? Explain and give a note on its application
Short Questions:
26. Solid waste management.
27. Aerobic treatment of waste water.
28. Biosorption and Bioaccumulation
29. Organic wastes
30. Bioremediation
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
