Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Food Preservation Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Food Preservation
Prepared by: S. Thejaswi
Year: III
Semester: VI Semester
Updated on: 12/02/2020
Unit - I:
Essay Answer Type
Define food technology and explain role food technology in combating malnutrition in
developed countries.
Explain different types of food spoilage and agents responsible for food spoilage.
Explain about loss of nutrients during storage processing
Short answer type
Applications of food technology
Food spoilage
Microbial spoilage of food
Chemical spoilage
Unit - II:
Essay Answer Type
Discuss briefly about general principles and importance if food preservation.
Describe briefly about home scale methods of food preservation.
10. Explain the methods for preparation of Mango pickles,jelly and amlakamurabba
Short answer type
11. Use of sugars in food preservation.
12. Refrigeration.
13. Drying.
14. Flow chart for Mango pickle.
15. Flow chart for Mango jelly.
16. Flow chart for Mango amlakamurabba.
Unit - III:
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Essay Answer Type
17. Describe briefly about commercial methods of food preservation.
18. Explain the methodology involved in preservation by low temperature.
19. Write about spray drying method and its types.
20. Explain about vaccum drying and radiation methods.
Short answer type
21. Preservation by high temperature
22. Canning
23. Vaccum drying
24. Radiation drying
25. Preservatives
Unit ? IV
Essay Answer Type
26. What is fortification? Explain different types of fortification methods used of for enhancement of
nutritional value.
27. Describe briefly about Novel proteins present in various foods.
28. Explain about loss of nutrients during processing enhancement techniques
Short answer type
29. Fortification
30. Double fortification
31. Supplementation
32. Novel proteins
33. Garciniacamogia
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021