Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 1st Sem Zoology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Zoology I year I Sem Question bank
Unit I
1. Protozoa general charecters and classification
2. Life cycle of Elphidium
3. Plasmodium life cycle -Sexual and asexual
4. Reproduction in protozoa
5. Locomotion in protozoa
6. Protozoan diseases
7. Brief history of Invertebrates
8. Fagellum
9. Celia
10. Pseudopodium
11. Binary fission
12. Porifera general characters and classification
13. Types of canal system in Porifera
14. Life cycle of sponges
15. Spicules in sponges
16. Histology of sponges
Unit II
1. General characters and classification of cnidaria
2. Obilia life cycle
3. Polymorphism
4. Coral formation
5. Types of coral reefs
6. Polyp structure
7. Medusa structure
8. Differences between Polyp and Medusa
9. Life cycle of Schistosoma
10. Life cycle of Dracunculus
11. Parasitic adaptations
Unit III
1. General characters and classification of Annelida
2. Digestive system of Leech
3. Haemocoelic system of leech
4. Excretary system in Leech
5. Urinogenital system of Leech
6. Reproduction in Leech
7. Metamerism
8. Coelome and Coelomoducts
9. General characters and classification of Arthopoda
10. Appendages of Prawn
11. Digestive system of Prawn
12. Respiratory system of Prawn
13. Excretary system of Prawn
14. Statocyst
15. Mouth parts of insects
16. Metamorphosis in insects
17. Peripatus affinities
Unit IV
1. General charecters and classification of Mollusca
2. External morphology of pila
3. Digestive system of Pila
4. Respiratory system of Pila
5. Ospharadium
6. Reproduction in Pila
7. Pearl formation
8. Torsion
9. General characters and classification of Echinoderms
1o.Water vascular system in echinoderms
11. Larval forms in Echinoderms
12. Belanoglosus structure
13. Affinities of Belanoglosus
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021