Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Microbiology and r DNA Technology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Microbiology and r-DNA Technology Prepared by: S. Thejaswi
Year: III
VI Semester
Updated on: 22-3-
Unit - I: Microbiology
Essay Questions :
Write about the industrial uses of Aspergillus niger and Spirulina?
Write about the industrial uses of Aspergillus niger and Yeast?
Explain in detail about the structure and composition of viruses?
Write about the lytic cycle and Lysogenic cycle of Lambda phage?
Write about the Bacterial growth curve?
Short Answer:
Types of Media
Motility of Bacteria
Gram Staining
10. Synchronous Growth
11. Differences between the Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
12. TMV
13. HIV
Unit - II: r-DNA technology I
Essay Questions :
14. Write in detail about the Cloning Strategies?
15. Define cloning vectors? Explain about the plasmid vectors with neat diagram
16. Write about the various tools used in r-DNA technology?
17. Define Molecular marker? Write in detail about the RFLP?
18. Explain DNA sequencing by using Maxam Gilbert and Sanger's Method?
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Short Answers
19. Restriction Mapping
20. Host
21. Restriction endonucleases
22. AFLP
23. RAPD
Unit - III: r-DNA technology II
Essay Questions
24. Write about the construction of c-DNA libraries & its limitations?
25. Explain the principle and applications of PCR?
26. Write in detail about the southern blotting technique & its applications?
27. Write about the production of insulin and Human growth hormone?
28. Explain the importance of edible vaccines?
Short Questions
29. Bt cotton
30. Edible vaccines
31. Western blotting
32. Northern blotting
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021