Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Mushroom Culture Technology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Mushroom Culture Technology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Mushroom Culture Technology
Prepared by: K Gouthami
Year: III Year
Semester: VI
Updated on: 09-02-2020
Unit - I: Essay Questions:
1. Explain the nutritional and medicinal value of edible mushrooms.
2. Write about poisonous mushrooms.
3. Describe about different types of edible mushrooms available in India.
4. Give and account of mushroom cultivation technology.
5. Explain the bed method in mushroom production.
6. Elaborate about the Pure culture of mushroom.
7. Explain different types of mushrooms and their values.
8. Infrastructure for mushroom production. Explain.
9. What is mushroom cultivation. List/ Give the different steps involved in it.
Explain the major phases of mushroom cultivation.
10. Explain the polythene bag method in mushroom production.
Short Questions:
11. Define mushroom.
12. Write short notes on mushroom nutritive value with percentage.
13. What is meant by composting? With example.
14. Define spawn substrate.
15. Write short notes on spawn running.
16. Write short notes on medicinal values of edible mushrooms.
17. Explain the morphology of Pleurotus with a neat diagram.
18. Explain the morphology of Agaricus with a neat diagram.
19. Explain the morphology of Volvariella with neat diagram.
20. Write short notes on Casing.
21. Write short notes on Oyster mushrooms, Button mushrooms and Paddy Straw mushroom.
22. Write short notes on Poisonous mushrooms.
23. Short notes on mushroom bed preparation.
Unit - II: Essay Questions

24. Describe the factors affecting the mushroom bed preparation.
25. Explain about the storage and nutrition of mushrooms.
26. Types of foods prepared from mushrooms. Elaborate.
Short Questions:
27. Write short notes on composting technology in mushroom production.
28. Write short notes on cost benefit ratio of mushroom marketing in India and abroad.
29. Short notes on nutritional benefits of mushrooms.
30. Short notes on short-term storage of mushrooms.
31. Short notes long-term storage of mushrooms.
32. Short notes on export value of mushrooms.
33. Short notes on national level and regional level mushroom research center.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
