Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Nutrition and Immunology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Nutrition and Immunology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Nutrition and Immunology
Prepared by: S Thejaswi
Year: III B.Sc
VI Semester
Updated on: 22-3-
Unit - I: Nutrition
Essay Questions :
Define BMR? Explain the various factors affecting it?
Explain the calorific value of foods & their determination by bomb calorimeter
Define Vitamins? Explain the sources , RDA, Functions of fat soluble vitamins?
Define Vitamins? Explain the sources , RDA, Functions of water soluble vitamins?
Write about sources, RDA, Functions of Calcium & Iron?
Short Answer:
Kwashiorkor& Marasmus
Essential Fatty acids
Complete & Incomplete Proteins
10. Starvation
11. Nutraceuticals
12. Biological value of Protein
Unit - II: Immunology
Essay Questions :
13. Write in detail about the organs of immune system?
14. Explain the organization of Immune system?
15. Write in detail about the Cells of immune system?
16. Define Immunity? Write about the types of immunity?
17. Define Immunity? Explain the mechanism of immune response?
18. Define Immunoglobulin? Write about the different types of Ig's?
Short Answers
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19. Monoclonal Antibodies& its application
20. Structure of IgG
21. Haptens& Adjuvant
22. Clonal selection Theory
Unit - III: Immunotechnology
Essay Questions
23. Write about various types of antigen & antibody reactions?
24. Write in detail about the Traditional vaccines & its importance?
25. Write in detail about the Modern vaccines & its importance?
26. Explain the different types of Hypersensitivity?
Short Questions
27. MHC Proteins
28. Graft Rejection
29. RIA
31. Blood groups
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
