Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Plant Physiology Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 6th Sem Plant Physiology Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Plant Physiology
Prepared by: Noori Sultana
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 23-3-
Unit - I: Essay type questions
Structure, importance & properties of water in relation to plant life
An account of Active & Passive absorption mechanisms involved in water absorption
What is Ascent of Sap? Discuss various theories explaining its mechanism
Vital theories & Root pressure theory in relation to transport of water in plants
What is Transpiration? Describe the mechanism of closing & opening of stomata
Factors controlling stomatal movements
Criteria for essentiality of elements. Give physiological role of Magnesium, Sulphur, Potassium
& Iron
What are Macronutrients? Describe their role in plants
Mass flow theory proposed by Munch(Translocation of solutes)
10. What are enzymes? Give an account of their structure, properties, nomenclature &
Short questions
11. Water potential
12. Osmosis
13. Plasmolysis
14. Apoplast & Symplast
15. Field capacity
16. Transpirational pull
17. Evidences in support of Cohesion Tension Theory
18. K+ Ion influx mechanism (Levitt theory)
19. Significance of Transpiration
20. Antitranspirants
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21. Trace elements
22. Hydroponics
23. Carrier concept
24. Source-sink relationship
25. Competitive & non competitive inhibition
26. Regulation of enzyme activity
27. Michales constant
28. Properties of enzymes
29. Lock & key theory
Unit II -Essay type questions
30. Calvin cycle/C3 cycle
31. C4 cycle/ Hatch & Slack Pathway
32. Biological Nitrogen fixation
33. Nitrogen cycle
34. Proteinsynthesis
Short questions
35. Photosystems I & II
36. Photosynthetic pigments
37. Absorption & action spectrum
38. Emerson Enhancement Effect
39. Differences between C3 & C4 Plants
40. CAM
41. Cyclic photophosphorylation
42. Red drop
43. Z Scheme/ Non cyclic photophosphorylation
44. Symbiotic Nitrogen fixation
45. Physiology of Nodule formation
46. Mechanism of Nitrogen Fixation
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47. Amino acids
48. t RNA
49. Genetic code
50. Transcription
51. Translation
52. Reductive amination
53. Transamination
54. Nitrogenase
Unit III- Essay type questions
55. Glycolysis/ EMP Pathway
56. Kreb's cycle/ TCA Cycle/ Citric acid cycle
57. What are Phytohormones? Describe in detail about Auxins & Gibberllins
58. Essay on Cytokinins
59. Abssiccic acid- ABA (Growth inhibitor)
60. Brassinosteroids
61. Photoperiodism
Short questions
62. Fermentation
63. Oxidative Phosphorylation
64. ATPase complex
65. Respiratory quotient
66. Mitochondria
67. Balance sheet/ net gain of ATP in Aerobic respiration
68. Chemiosmotic hypothesis
69. Avena curvature test
70. Applications of Auxins in Horticulture
71. Uses of Gibberllins
72. Ethylene
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73. Role of Phytochrome n flowering
74. Vernalization
75. Modern view about Phtochrome
76. Types of Stress resistance
77. Salt & Freezing stress
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
