Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Computer Science 1st Sem Circuit Analysis Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Question bank for B Sc MECs I Year-I semester
Subject: Electronics Paper: I Subject Title: Circuit Analysis
UNIT- I (AC Fundamentals, KCL and KVL)
Short Questions
1. Define waveform and give the properties of alternating quantities.
2. Conversion (polar and rectangular forms).
3. Write a note on phasor diagram of A.C signal.
4. Define conductance and susceptance in ac circuits.
5. Define the terms impedance and admittance.
6. Write a note on the concept of ideal and practical voltage source.
7. Write a note on the concept of ideal and practical current source.
8. State Kirchhoff's laws.
Essay Questions
1. What is meant by average and RMS value of ac voltage and derive the
expression for them?
2. Explain the representation of complex value in different forms.
3. Explain the method of solving using mesh or loop current method with
an example.
4. Explain the method of solving using node voltage method with an
UNIT-II (Network Theorems)
Short Questions
1. State Thevenin's theorem.
2. State Maximum power transfer theorem.
3. State and prove reciprocity theorem.
Essay Questions
1. State and prove Thevenin's theorem.
2. State and prove Norton's theorem.
3. State and prove Superposition theorem.
4. State and prove Maximum power transfer theorem.
UNIT-III (RC and RL circuits)
Short Questions
1. Define time constant of RC circuit.
2. What is a filter? List various types of filters.
3. What is meant by integrator? Explain.
4. What is meant by differentiator? Explain.
Essay Questions
1. Discuss the transient response of LR circuit under switch close and
open condition.
2. Discuss the transient response of CR circuit under switch close and
open condition.
3. What is meant by a low pass filter? Explain the CR circuit as a low
pass filter.
4. What is meant by a low pass filter? Explain the LR circuit as a low pass
5. What is meant by a high pass filter? Explain the LR circuit as a high
pass filter.
6. What is meant by a high pass filter? Explain the CR circuit as a high
pass filter.
UNIT- IV (Resonance and CRO)
Short Questions
1. Define series and parallel resonances.
2. Distinguish between series and parallel resonance.
3. List the applications of CRO.
4. Draw and explain the block diagram of CRO.
Essay Questions
1. What is meant by resonance? Obtain the expression for resonant
frequency and quality factor of series LCR resonance circuit.
2. What is meant by resonance? Obtain the expression for resonant
frequency and quality factor of parallel LCR resonance circuit.
3. Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain the function of each block.
This post was last modified on 23 January 2021