Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Computer Science 4th Sem Linear Integrated Circuits & Basics of Communication Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Linear Integrated Circuits & Basics of Communication
Prepared by: E Gayathri
Year: II
Semester: IV Updated on: 25/03/
Unit - I: Operational Amplifiers
1. Define operational amplifier.
2. Define the terms CMRR, Slew rate Virtual ground , Offset errors.
3. What are the ideal characteristics of op-amp?
4. Explain the need for differential amplifier.
5. Discuss about Op-amp as differentiator, Integrator circuits.
6. Draw the block diagram of operational amplifier and explain in detail.
7. Explain the working of emitter coupled differential amplifier.
8. Discuss the working of operational amplifier as a summing amplifier and obtain the its
output voltage.
9. Draw the circuit diagram of inverting and non -inverting amplifiers and explain their
operation. Derive expressions for voltage gain.
10. Explain the comparator action of an op-amp.
11. Describe how op-amp is used as a Voltage follower.
12. Discuss the working of op-amp as Subtractor.
13. Problems based on all topics.
Unit - II: Applications of operational amplifiers
14. Draw the block diagram of IC-555 timer and describe its working.
15. Draw the circuit of Astable Multivibrator with IC -555 and explain.
16. List out the features of 555 timer.
17. Draw the circuit of Wein bridge oscillator with op-amp and obtain its frequency.
18. Explain how op-amp can be as a logarithmic amplifier with a diode.
19. With the help of a neat diagram explain how op-amp is used to generate a sine wave?
20. Draw the circuit diagram of a square Wave generator using op-amp and explain its
21. Draw the circuit of Triangular wave generator using op-amp and explain
22. Explain the working of Monostable multivibrator using op-amp.
23. Explain with a neat diagram, how op-amp can be used to solve differential equations of
second order.
24. Explain with relevant diagrams, how IC-555 timer is used as astable multivibrator.
25. Explain with the help of a circuit diagram how IC-555 timer is used as a monostable
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Unit - III: Modulation
26. What is Modulation?
27. What is the need for modulation?
28. Give advantages of AM.
29. Define modulation index of AM signal.
30. Derive the expressions for frequency spectrum of A.M wave.
31. What is AM? Show that an AM wave contains a carrier and two side bands for every
modulating frequency.
32. Give the theory and working of diode detector to detect the AM signals.
33. Define Demodulation.
34. Explain the working of a simple amplitude modulator with relevant circuits.
35. Derive the expressions for total transmitted power of AM wave.
36. Explain the working of Balanced modulator circuit.
37. Explain the principle of AM detection and classify A.M. detectors.
38. Draw the circuit of envelop diode detector and explain graphically the conditions.
39. Draw the circuit diagram of square law diode modulator and explain its performance.
40. Problems based on all topics.
Unit - IV: Frequency modulation
41. Define frequency modulation.
42. Write the expressions for band width of FM Signal.
43. Give the advantages and disadvantages of FM.
44. Draw the block diagram of FM radio receiver. Explain the Significance of each block.
45. Write about Delta modulation.
46. Write about PAM, PCM?
47. Give the Analysis of Frequency modulation.
48. Compare AM and FM.
49. Draw the circuit of simple frequency modulator and explain its working.
50. Draw the block diagram of Super hetero dyne receiver and explain its working .
51. Explain the principle and working of ratio detector.
52. Derive the expression for spectrum of F.M. Wave.
53. Explain how FM waves are detected?
54. Give an account of classification of pulse modulation techniques.
55. Draw the block diagram of FM discriminator with circuit diagram.
56. Problems based on all topics.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021