Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Computer Science 6th Sem Official Statistics Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Design of Experiments, Vital and Official Statistics
Prepared by: D.Vaishnavi
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 25.03
Unit - I:
Statement of Gauss Markoff Linear model with examples and statement of Cochran's theorem
Explain ANOVA One way classification with example.
Describe the statistical analysis of one way with fixed model.
Explain Two way classification with one observation per cell.
Give expectation of various sum of squares and Statistical analysis of two way classification
Importance and applications Design of Experiments.
Unit - II:
Explain Principles of experimentation and give advantages and disadvantages.
Explain analysis of C.R.D.
Explain various sum of squares in Completely Randomized design. And also problems on it
10. Explain Analysis of Randomized Block design and problems on it.
11. Explain various sum of squares in R.B.D. and Problems on it. And give Efficiency of R.B.D
over C.R.D.
12. Give analysis of L.S.D and give efficiency of L.S.D over C.R.D and R.B.D and Problems on it.
13. Give missing value technique in R.B.D and problems on it.
14. Give analysis of missing value technique in L.S.D and problems on it.
Unit - III:
15. Definition of Vital statistics and its uses.
16. Give the sources of Vital statistics and give merits and demerits.
17. Define rates and ratios and Explain measures of mortality rates and give merits and demerits.
18. Explain measures of Fertility rates and give merits and demerits.
19. Explain measures of population growth and give merits and demerits.
20. Explain life tables and its uses.
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21. Construction of life tables and Problems on it.
22. Explain Abridged life tables.
Unit - IV:
23. Functions and organizations of CSO and NSSO.
24. Concept of Agricultural statistics.
25. Concept of National income statistics and methods of National income estimation.
26. What is business forecasting.
27. Explain role of business forecasting. And steps.
28. Explain briefly forecasting methods.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021