Download OU B.Com 6th Sem Managerial Accounting Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) (Bachelor of Commerce) 6th Sem Managerial Accounting Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

Subject Title: Managerial Accounting
Prepared by: Thakur Rashmi
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 20.03.
Unit - I: Introduction
Definition of Managerial Accounting.
Explain Scope of Managerial Accounting.
Write advantages and disadvantages of managerial accounting.
Discuss the relationship between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting.
Unit - II: Marginal Costing
Define Concept of cost.
Difference between Marginal and Absorption Costing.
Explain Break Even Analysis and Break Even Point.
Explain P/V Chart.
Write advantages and disadvantages of Marginal Costing.
10. Page. no: B-18 to B-25 Problems for Practice-
Unit - III: Decision Making
11. Explain various types of cost in decision making.
12. Explain the key or limiting factor.
13. Write about make or buy decision, sell or further process and replace or retain.
14. Explain the special order processing.
15. Page. no: C-11 to C-19 Problems for Practice-
Unit - IV: Budgets and Budgetary Control
16. Definition Budget and Budgetary Control.
17. Explain the objectives of Budgeting Control.
18. Explain the classification of Budgets.
19. Difference between Fixed Budget and Flexible Budget.
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20. Page. no: D-24 to D-34 Problems for Practice-
Unit - V :Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
21. Explain the Concept of Standard Costing.
22. Write advantages and limitations of Standard Costing.
23. Difference between Budgetary Control and Standard Costing.
24. Write about Ideal Standard, Expected Standard and Normal Standard.
25. Define Variance Analysis and its factors.
26. Page. no: E-26 to E-34
Problems for Practice-
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021