Download OU B.Com 2nd Sem Managerial Economics Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) (Bachelor of Commerce) 2nd Sem Managerial Economics Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

Subject Title: Managerial Economics
Prepared by: D.Rajitha
Year: I
Semester: II
Updated on:23-3-
Unit - I: Nature and scope of Managerial Economics
Define the term Managerial Economics
Explain various branches of Economics
Explain nature and scope of Managerial Economics.
Distinguish between Normative and Positive science.
Explain importance/significance of Managerial Economics in decision making
Discuss role and responsibilities of managerial economist
Explain various Economic Principles
Unit - II: Demand Forecasting
Define the term demand forecasting.
Discuss features and objectives of demand forecasting
10. Discuss essentials of a good demand forecasting.
11. Explain significance of demand forecasting.
12. Discuss various techniques/methods of demand forecasting.
13. Computation of trend value by least square method (Problems).
Unit - III: Market Analysis
14. Explain the classification of Markets.
15. Explain the Price determination of a firm under perfect competition in short run.
16. Explain the Price determination of a firm under perfect competition in long run
17. Explain equilibrium of a firm under Monopoly in short run and in long run.
18. Explain equilibrium of a firm under Monopolistic competition in short run and in long run.
19. What is meant by price discrimination, how an equilibrium is determined?
20. . Explain the meaning of price leadership and what are the various type of price leadership?
21. . What is meant by Oligopoly
22. What is meant by Duopoly
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23. Explain Kinked Demand curve
Unit - IV: Macro Economics for Managers
24. Define National Income. Explain the concepts of national income.
25. Discuss the methods to estimate national income.
26. Discuss measurement problems in national income
27. Explain various features of business cycles
28. Explain various causes and consequences of business cycles
29. Define the term inflation. Explain causes and control of inflation.
Unit - V : Fiscal and Monetary Policy
30. What is fiscal policy? What are the objectives of fiscal policy?
31. What is monetary policy? What are the objectives of monetary policy?
32. How many types of deficits are there?
33. What are the objectives and main features of FRBM Act?
34. What is a Finance Commission? Explain its role and functions
35. Explain the differences between SLR and CRR
36. What are Repo and Reverse Repo rates?
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021