Download JNTU-Hyderabad MBA 2nd Sem R15 2019 May 721CL Marketing Management Question Paper

Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2nd Semester (Second Semester) R15 2019 May 721CL Marketing Management Previous Question Paper

Code No: 721CL
MBA II Semester Examinations, April/May-2019
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

PART - A 5 ? 5 Marks = 25

1.a) How does ?relationship marketing? differ from ?transactional marketing?? [5]
b) What do you understand by the following?
i) Product-mix width ii) Length iii) Depth iv) Consistency. [5]
c) What is market positioning? How does it differ from product differentiation? [5]
d) What are the functions of wholesaler? [5]
e) What is price discrimination? Under what conditions does it occur? [5]

PART - B 5 ?10 Marks = 50

2.a) What are the contents of a marketing plan? Explain.
b) Discuss about the instruments available for collecting primary data in marketing
research. [5+5]
3.a) What are ?core marketing? concepts? Enumerate them briefly.
b) Write a short note on focus group research? [7+3]

4. What are the various stages of Product Life Cycle? What are the product mix
strategies at each of these stages? [10]
5.a) Describe the five stages of buying decision process?
b) Explain the different product levels and implications. [5+5]

6. Define market segmentation? Explain the bases for segmenting Business markets?[10]
7.a) What is perceptual mapping? How does it help in product positioning exercise?
b) Differentiate unsegmented market and niche markets. [5+5]

8. What are the elements of promotion mix? Discuss each of them briefly. [10]
9. Who are the channel intermediaries for marketing of industrial goods? Explain the role
of each of them. [10]

10. What is online marketing? Illustrate with appropriate examples, the increasing growth
of internet marketing both in services and goods in our country. [10]
R15 - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No: 721CL
MBA II Semester Examinations, April/May-2019
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

PART - A 5 ? 5 Marks = 25

1.a) How does ?relationship marketing? differ from ?transactional marketing?? [5]
b) What do you understand by the following?
i) Product-mix width ii) Length iii) Depth iv) Consistency. [5]
c) What is market positioning? How does it differ from product differentiation? [5]
d) What are the functions of wholesaler? [5]
e) What is price discrimination? Under what conditions does it occur? [5]

PART - B 5 ?10 Marks = 50

2.a) What are the contents of a marketing plan? Explain.
b) Discuss about the instruments available for collecting primary data in marketing
research. [5+5]
3.a) What are ?core marketing? concepts? Enumerate them briefly.
b) Write a short note on focus group research? [7+3]

4. What are the various stages of Product Life Cycle? What are the product mix
strategies at each of these stages? [10]
5.a) Describe the five stages of buying decision process?
b) Explain the different product levels and implications. [5+5]

6. Define market segmentation? Explain the bases for segmenting Business markets?[10]
7.a) What is perceptual mapping? How does it help in product positioning exercise?
b) Differentiate unsegmented market and niche markets. [5+5]

8. What are the elements of promotion mix? Discuss each of them briefly. [10]
9. Who are the channel intermediaries for marketing of industrial goods? Explain the role
of each of them. [10]

10. What is online marketing? Illustrate with appropriate examples, the increasing growth
of internet marketing both in services and goods in our country. [10]

11. Case study--Raising Prices:

One sales manager tells the story of how the previous generation of senior
management raised prices. ?Our President would take our product catalog and a red
pen to the coffee room,? he recalls. He?d pour himself a cup and go through the list,
arbitrarily crossing out current prices and writing in new higher ones.? That company
we learned was not in a price sensitive business; it managed to get away with this
arbitrary approach for many years.
Because demand in most industries is price sensitive, the job of raising prices?even
when doing so is justified by higher cost, inflation, and improvements in quality?
should be approached with considerable caution. Many businesses simply mask the
fact that they are raising prices. Consider the examples:
? In the early 2000s, airlines discontinued customer perks such as free meals
while keeping ticket prices steady.
? Multiplex theatres kept ticket prices the same but raised prices on popcorn, soft
drinks and other things within the theatre.
Alternatively companies wait for the industry leader to raise its prices, making it safe
for them to boost theirs.

a) What, in your opinion, can be the problems with this kind of approaches?
b) What other alternatives can be thought of when confronted with situation requiring
price raise? [10]

--ooOoo-- - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 23 October 2020