Download B.Sc Nursing 2020 Feb Medical Surgical Nursing I 2nd Year Question Paper

Download B.Sc Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) 2020 Feb Medical Surgical Nursing I 2nd Year Previous Question Paper

[LQ 1018] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 4717

(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Q.P. Code: 664717
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)

1. Mr. X 50 year old male is admitted with the diagnosis of angina pectoris
a) Define angina pectoris.
b) List the clinical manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of angina pectoris.
c) Explain in detail about the management including nursing management for
angina pectoris.

2. Mrs. Rani 45 years old female is admitted with the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome.
a) Define Cushing syndrome.
b) Write the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of Cushing syndrome.
c) Discuss the medical and nursing management of Cushing syndrome.

II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)

1. Dermatitis.
2. Management for prolapsed inter-vertebral disc.
3. Role and responsibilities of medical surgical nurse.
4. Thalassemia.
5. Barium studies.

III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Define perioperative nursing.
2. Define pneumo-thorax.
3. Define Rovsing?s sign.
4. List out two types of lithotripsy.
5. Mention two investigations to rule out AIDS.
6. List out the signs and symptoms of gas gangrene.
7. List out the types of anaesthesia.
8. List out the signs and symptoms of filariasis.
9. Enlist personal protective equipments.
10. Define aneurysm.

******** - FirstRanker's Choice

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