Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2016 April 3rd Semester Political Science III Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2016 April 3rd Semester Political Science III Question Paper

B.A.L.L.B. (Semester? III) Examination, April 2016
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75
Instructions: 1)Answer any Eight questions from Q. No. 1 to 12. (8 x 8=64)
N9 9? >4
2) Q. No. 13 and Q. No. 14 are compulsory.
3) Students are instructed to incorporate the exact question number.
. ?Political Party is an organization of numerous people who are openly committed on broad
matters of public policy?. Explain the role and functions of Political Parties.
Explain the Socio-Economic dimensions of China.
Discuss the main strategies and the tactics used by Interest Groups and critically evaluate by
comparing Interest Groups of China and USA.
?Women?s participation is limited as compared to men in the politics?. Discuss the main
challenges faced by the women in society.
Social Movements have played an important role in bringing change in the society. Explain
the characteristics and factors shaping the Social Movements.
The Organization of State and Local Government varies widely across the countn'es. Explain
the process of State and Local Government of USA and France.
Explain the Federal model of States of United States of America.
Explain the in?uence of Constitutionalism movement on UK?s Constitution.
Describe the process of Dialectical Materialism in Marxist philosophy/approach.
. Critically analyse the approaches in Comparative Politics and also discuss the perspective of
David Apter.
Evaluate on the basic distinctions between Modern approaches and Traditional approaches in
comparative study of Politics and Government.
How do the history in?uence and shape the constitutions and constitutional structures
(Executive, Legislature & Judiciary) of United States and People?s Republic of China.
Write short notes on ANY TWO: (3 x 2 = 6)
a) Political Parties of UK and USA.
b) Position of women in Switzerland.
c) Concept of Commonwealth and Republic in context of People?s Republic of China and
United Kingdom.
Write short notes on ANY TWO: (2 '/2 x 2 = 5)
3) Interest groups in International Politics.
b) Economic structure of Russia. 1
c) Relevance of Constitutionalism in the era of Globalization and Liberalization.

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