Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2016 Oct 4th Semester Special English Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2016 Oct 4th Semester Special English Question Paper

B. A. L. L. B. (Semester ? IV) Examination, October 2016
Time: 3 hrs Marks: 75
Instructions: 1) Answer all sections. All questions are compulsory.
However, internal choice is available.
2) Number the answers correctly.
3) F igures to the right indicate marks
1) Fill in the blanks with appropriate sentence linkers: (3)
a) Falcons ?y 200 miles per hour; , ostriches can?t fly at all.
b) He always took his kids to the park; _ , he loved them a lot.
c) I hated the job with a passion; , I stayed for ten years.
2) Select the appropriate modal verb: (3)
a) You (ought to / can / may) revise your lessons.
b) When I was younger I (must / could / might) run fast.
c) I?m really quite lost. (can / Should / would) you mind showing me the way out?
3) Choose the appropriate homonym: (3)
a) The children got (board / bored) during the lecture.
b) I hope the pharmacist gives me some good medicine to put on my (bruise / brews).
c) He will (waive / wave) all rights to the money.
4) Replace the underlined word with its synonym: (3)
21) Please be courteous to your elders.
i) polite ii) generous iii) sympathetic
b) Jyoti is content with the manner in which things turned out.
i) satisfied ii) frustrated iii) listless
c) The government and the rebels are in accord on one point.
i) disparity ii) agreement iii) incongruity
5) Write antonyms for the following words: (3)
a) Temporary b)Output c)Interior

6) David Femandes. the mortgagee in a Deed of Mortgage, had advanced a sum of Rs.
S.OO?OOOl- t0 Shruti Verma. the mortgagor who was supposed to repay the said amount with
interest @ 10% on or before 31.03.2016.
Draft a legal notice on behalf of David demanding payment of the mortgage money. with a
waming of foreclosure ofthe mortgage property in case of default. (10)
7) Write a report on either O_IE of the following topics: (10)
a) As the student editor of the college journal, write a report of the international
competition-cum-conference held by the college during the academic year 2015-
b) As a reporter for the local newspaper, write a report on the road accident on the
Highway. involving a car and a two-wheeler.
8) Write a paragraph of about 150 words on any m ofthe following topics: (05)
a) Importance oflanguage in law
b) As you sow. so shall you reap
c) Child Labour
d) Yin and Yang
9) Write an essay in not more than 400 words on any 2% ofthe following topics: (10)
a) Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
b) The book which has largely in?uenced your life
0) IfI could be somebody else for a day
d) A visit to an unusual place
10) Answer any m ofthe following questions in not more than 150 words: (25)
a. According to Arthur T. Vanderbilt, what are the functions that a lawyer ought to perform in
order that s/he may attain full growth?
b. What are George Bernard Shaw?s objections to the theory that punishment is deterrent?
c. As a student of law, give your views on the advice given by Justice Felix Frankfurter. What
is the rationale behind the need to be a ?cultivated man? in order to be a ?competent lawyer"?
d. ?Affection cannot be manufactured or regulated by law.? Explain these lines by Gandhi in
the essay A Pleufbr (he Severesl Penalty.
e. Why does the author, Joseph W. Planck, conclude that modern lawyers must be scientists.
economists and sociologists?
f. How does C hekhov juxtapose trivial acts with the gravity of the trial in his short story?

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