Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2015 April 1st Semester Political Theory Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2015 April 1st Semester Political Theory Question Paper

B.A. LLB Semester] Examination April 2015.
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks : 75
Instructions : 1) Answer any EIGH T questions from Q. N0. 1 to Q. No. 12.
2) Q. No. 13 and Q. N0. 14 are compulsory.
. De?ne Rights. Explain the features of Rights.
2? De?ne State and examine any three theories regarding the nature of State.
3. Write a note on class perspective and Post colonial perspective on state.
4. Examine two forms of Democracy.
5? State and explain the signi?cance of Political Theory.
6. Explain the concept of Welfare State.
7. Discuss any three social movements in India.
8. Examine the different kinds of sovereignty.
9. De?ne Equality. Explain the dimensions of Equality.
10. Examine the evolution of Citizenship and explain meaning and features of it.
. De?ne Power. Explain different forms of power complement one another.
12. What is liberty and explain the different kinds of Liberty.
13. Write short notes on any two: . \[ 3 x 2:6 1
A. Equality cannot be de?ned easily and precisely. How we can promote equality in India.
B. Decline of Political Theory
C. Elements of State
14. Write short notes on any two: [ 2 '/2 x 2=5]
A. Pluralist Perspective on State. ?
B. Kinds of Rights.
C. Factors of Social Change.

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