Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 1st Semester 2018 March-April Englsih Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 1st Semester 2018 March-April Englsih Question Paper

Code Ha. 5T5
B. A. LLB. {E YDG]! B B A LL. 3.15 TUB]: 3. Cum. LL. 3.15 ?DG] l??I'aar l-semestar
Examina?on. March I April 2am
Euhjact: L A W
Papar- l : English
Tlma : 3 Hours Max. Hark: : an
1 {a} Current tho fullawlng sentences: {1E marina]
He has received a 1etter yesterdsw.
He dud nut cam tn unllaga.
I mngratulaled hirn fur his succeaa. ' a -
She is Banking lunant'tg.r In thatdreas. _ . --_:-'
The chili: is :rylng since morning. f; E? r
She fuund an une rupee min on her way horns.
We can do it. can we?
He prefera m?ee than 133.
0R _
?:1: Write noun phrase; and verb phrases In any fnur sentennes given abmre:
II. Rewrite as directed: {1E Marks}
?1 Euppw suitable verba in any.I two sentenqes:
{a} H?Ehl'l? for Timpati gateway; [leave]
{b}__ | 5m morning. {warm
{cy Henll?T?h 1-,; ?wa?h mg}? _ H __
[:11 I but]! [all yuu whenthe dinner is. ready. {calli
Ill. la} Match the fal*uwlng:;_ ' {1E Murks}
+ A ; B |
1. Hubble a. ?estrny
2. Asmund b. [11th deeply
3. Frugal c. smile mimhievnusly '
4. lr?npediment d. surprise
5. Deny E. careful with mnney
6. Stem I. refuse ?
Tr'. Devastata 9. walk unsteadily
a. Giggle _ h. strict I
b} Explain the meanings a! any faur cf the folluwlng laqal terms and idioms:
'I Arhimtion
2 Stay under
3 Convict
4 Parole
5 Plaintiff
Ei 1nsolvency
3" Hull And unld
E Iniuncticun

?nds ND. 5575
I'll. [al Read the fnllnwlng passage and answer the questions: [15 Marks}
The number of penpie killed and injured on the worlds rnads will rise by more than 60%
between EUGD and EGED. Must of theae injuries will uccur in developing cnunlries where
mare and more peuple are using materized transpon. In these munl?ea cyclists.
muturwcllE-ls. users of public transpnrt and pedestrian are especially vulnerable tt} road
traf?c injur'les.
We are: vulnerable t-:I mad traf?c Il'llerlEE?
Where do thESE: injuries nctur?
How many penple are killed and injured b EU'EICI and 21120?
Write the meanings Elf [a] pedestrians [I:I] vulnarabla
[by Write an essay on 'Demunetizaiian ? Impa-zt' in 4:110 wards.
?ul'. [an Wnte a paragraph on Unhealthy Eating Habits amnng Youth' [16 Marks]
{bl Wnte a letter tn: your frland inviting him tn ynur 1millage fur Duasehra 'u'E cation

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020
