Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 3rd Semester 2018 April Business Statistics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 3rd Semester 2018 April Business Statistics Question Paper

EBA, LLB. {5 TDC} lI??Ir'ear Ill ?E?master Examlnatinn.
I Aug u5l.? I September 201 El
&_ Subject: LAW
L_l Paper .- II
E 5.3:: Euai-nuss Statistics
Time : 3 hnurs '-Max. Marks : EU
PART ? A {5 :1: E = JD Marks]:
Ans war any Five 0! the fo?owmg' .'
De?ne Stallsllcs
H42 Gmectwea cf Tabulatian
3 U595 of Ehmbined mean
4 Standard Dewannn
5 Ealnulali?n nf ?urtus?
Eharactansuus GT Il'l'dE'}: Number
?r" Prlnmples DI? sampling
8 Prnpen?s of Regressian cD-EHICIEH:
PART ? 'Ei. [?1 x1? '3': = 5!] Marks]
Answer an]; Four of the follawiny :
?5 Wha'! dc:- yuu mean by- :abulalinn of data? What precautmns w?ui? ynu take while
tanulatmg data??
,r?fb Explaln the advantages. 0.? graphical presentation of da1a
!1 [Jenna- gemnelriu meran and EliSvCIJES i13 manta and demerlls. =-'
1? What IS rmasurc m dlsraersian? Dmcuss fuur important I'T'IGEISLJI'EE n?r spreau
Indicating then wanes;
13. Explain 1hr} tancept cn' pnsltwe and negative akewnesa
.3411 Wrzai .5 must 3?. '.|"III"|!'.] Ir-dex Number? What Q1035 It meEIELJrE???
?iE- Calculate me correiatmn ccefhment frc-rn [he T?U'rl?wing data '
?312.} a_gln 11 13h;
?1'..14 E E-QEJ ?I'I1253
1E Fi-'. a lineartrc-md tr: me fcllnwmg data tn; the Ieaat ?squares. method
TEEI'_ : 15m 199:2; 195-14 '_ 193-3 f 1993;
Producu?r- f ":B ?1 ' ET: :1',? i 15
[1:10nd - ;
Also estimate the prudunttun fer 195-19

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020