Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 3rd Semester 2018 April Management Information System Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 3rd Semester 2018 April Management Information System Question Paper

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BEA. LL.E. {5 THE} ll -Tear1Il?~Earn?ster Examinatlon. March lAprll 2MB
Bu bjact: L A W
Paper - ll| : Managamant Infurrnatiun System [HHS]
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : ED
PART ? A {5x5=3? Marks!
Answer any FIVE al? the fulluwlng:
- 1 System viaw :3! M15
2 Prablarns in MIS daslgn
, 3 Determining information needs
4 Selection an alternative deaign
.- 5 Information S'y'EtEITIS in marketing and finance decismn making
- E Phases of dECISICIr'I making process
? NDn-pmgrammed decisions
3 C-r'rtan'a :rf evaluatiun
PART ? B [#:123?: = 5n Marks:
Answer any FOUR at the fnllowlng quaatinns:
?9 Write about the stages invalued in M15 Davetnpmeni
, 1|} Diacuaa the need for MJE
?1 1 Ewpiain abnut the daualapmant and seleati?n nf alternative dealgn ||"l MES.
12 Describe abnui [ha haaic infarmalion system related 10 ?nance in information system for
decisian maktng.
" 13 Wnat are the phases at decision making process in MIS?
14?} Exptain'how MIE Support design and shame.
15 Descn?bc?z abuut maintenance nf the system.
16 What are the stages. Involved in impiamanlatian af MIG?" Explain Wllh suitable diagram
H: *t?i?-

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