Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 3rd Semester 2018 April Principles of Organisational Behaviour Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 3rd Semester 2018 April Principles of Organisational Behaviour Question Paper

{lode No. 5633
BEA. LLB. [5 vqm ll Jr'ear lll-Semestar Examination. March J Apr? 2:113
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Paper - III : Frlnnlplas of Organiza?nn Eahavluur
Tim? :3 Hnurs Max. Marks : ED
PART? A [516:313 Marks}
Answer 5:11;?I FI?III'E of the fnlluwing:
Cnmpnnenls Drganizatiunar Behaviour
Types uf Personality
L?aming Thenri?s
Ego and Super-Egc
Group Iormatinn
Grcup Thinking
Sources uf ?asistance 'I.
Managing crass culture
PART - E {431219 = 5121 Marks]
Answer any FOUR nf the fulluwlng questions:
I 53 Organization behaviour is peuple behaviuur. Discuas.
1D Explain 3-D Mudel with examples.
r 11 Write the E-IZIL-II'CBS uf attitude develnpment
- 12 What is. Jnharl Wlndnw? Explain its rEJE?JEF'ICE 1+: leadership.
. 13 Write the typea 0f Furmal Gruups.
14 Explain how inter group conflict is managed.
15 Discuss the compcnents of organization culture
16 What is change management? Expiain its importance In business nrganizalinn.

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020