Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 1st Semester 2018 March-April Principles of Marketing Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 1st Semester 2018 March-April Principles of Marketing Question Paper

Gnde No. BEES
EBA LLEI {5 ?I'DGJI I Year IvSEmeste-r Examlna?ons. March IAprilc 2013
Subject: Law
Paper - II : Principles of Management
Time : 3 h?LJfE- Max. Marks: ED
. "L . I?IIIH.?
PART ? A {EIE=3D Marks]:
Nate: Anm-mr any Fiva queatinns frurn the fulluwlng.
What IS private mmpana??
What is Sal?nce?
What is lung-term planning? ?-
Whal i5 auil?mrity?"~ ?
Who is Feader? ~*-
Wha: is parlne-rshi??:
Whaf. is administration? , ---
What is. corporate planning? '*
PART - [4x12 $E=ED Marks}
Nate: An?wer an}:r Fuur questions from the fullnwing. _ .s"
Explain me contents. of Mamurandum o! Ass?cialinn. W.?
W Explain the contrrljutlun of Taylor 10 Management. L 1".
11 Explain the eaaential factors of M30 Process. r,
i2 Explain the di?erencea between :ine and staff 5:.
13 Unheally examine the Behavinral thenry nf Eeadership 15H
14 Explain the steps inwlued In DacisaDn?Making '51
.15 Exprain ?lm features {If Decentralisatinn. U?
J15 Explain the Efr?'eren?as tlatween partnerahip and :Dmpany iorrn nf nrganizaiiana. ??

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