Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 2nd Semester 2018 Sept English Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 2nd Semester 2018 Sept English Question Paper

31?:le En?gel?
Cnde No. 331? t BL
B. A LL. B. 1:5 ?DC]! BBL LL. E {5 YDEH -?rear Iln- Semester Examination.
August! September 2am
Bubiect: L A W
Papar-I : English
Ttrne : 3 Heure Matt. Marks : E??
PART ? A 1516=3D It'lartce]
Anewerany FWE of the fellowlng:
I [at Expta in the meaning at the tultuwinq wards t phrases: {1%}
[HI Exetl'lcin {Ii} Incamera tII4}Lai55e2-falre [wt P?r'S-E
[v] Adhnc {w} mndue uperandt {mi} Lntnlu t'u'lltt UtE-?enws
:h} Bring cut the d1?erence tn meaning in the f?lmwmg [Jails nf words my LIEII'EQ
them in the Sentences at your awn
m teem ? Teern tltt Fleet ? ?our [iii] quote ?nee1 tw] slew ? eterey
III Read the feltnwing passages and answer the questiuns : {151:
[3: But there Is eemething that I must say In my people wheee stand en the warm
threshnld whleh leads. :hte the plane- et luetice tn the pmeeee of gaining eur
Elghtful place we must I'l?t be guilty of wrungtui deed."- Let us net seat: In Sailsf?,
?Wimm the t:ug_g:f__ bitterness enct hatred We meet _
forever ?nrctuct nu: etruggle Em h??'?ilt?e nf drgnTtyr eWe? ' _
Where Ell: the pe?pte stand"
What. according te the author. EhDulct we nut be guu'ttr 13f?
What sheubd the people ?n to satisfy thnet Ior freedum?
How ehuule we conduct eur etruggl-e??
Ewe the entenym at the werlu 'Ftlgh?rlul'
Glue the eynnnym ef the werld justice
Glue the meenlhg art the word dignity
Glue a little tn THIS peeeege
?'uJ Rewrite the teitewmg sentences. in e Legleel sequence
1 HE walks- Eather teeth;
.? 'u'tl'he yet: are?
3 He fell dawn tram a bus.
4 Dun't make noise.
5 My ?m?tere'? always. etudymg
E- The Earth is marking rnund the sun
r? He '5 neither wmng er right
He Is eenier than rm:

II.? '
Enda NB. 5'32? i EL
III [:1 Summarise the failuwln I pa?sage lay reducing it 11'3" nf its iengih. {15]
A J Eramen is a pn-aular scanai novelIE-I dramatist anti 51cm; erter In the
East inIrEStr'rrlIa-nl I ?'I-EF made Ggranin narrate; haw a helpleaa Lad i5
transfcirrnpd II In -'| go :54 50mm wsrics
f-?Iiler Ending" Ljf-t'?r: . tiIIa- Imam Games up tHL' buy In a wage who nmw a happil .y
mauled man In hIi Tomes T' .Ie Fan'IIiy actr'ngly engaged In II'Ie field Iji ynuth
wc-Iiare Fhr: tint? - timer; n-::-' rec: Jeclthm! paaiacquainiance. HIIHhuy |:II:II,I. l'IEII'I.?.
Mr Jcmn er?TI'n?l'h'E- tine denim as the savinr Gr hi5 Me Mr. JuIIII leils Ihe doctor
lhat thnv haw? Imen helnlng ti-a: poor and the negleued. ??IE ducior wants in:
Hnuw 1hr: drmng fgr'ce behinri Il-Ieir aucial work Mr John realizes IhaL 1he ducmr
has. emqaiicn [hem |IL-'.- re-IIIIIId-s. Ihe doctor that he had saved a precarinus
L?rphan L-ruyg back rIIIII-r sIIIcIdas atmmpI The. past IncIde-ni flashes dncw: mIrId
In] 'IF'I'I'IIie an assay an demnnatizaimn
la: Match the {I:Iliowlng: :1le
droupaul -|m33IE|K| ?3
er.I-I1III:I- |ppa'fa' .".>:.|:'I|
gcn?raiur iSa'pEqul
democracy - |drpp?utl J
mag?; - Ihqu ?35
Suppnse -1iI;EiI'II'J.I"'Ik1| 31? -
HDI'II'ISIFIDQ 'du?rtnrr-H'I:. 5:. _ _ _
rmui: - idl' 'T?IIJI-HEE'-JJIr??. _ . . ' '
' DR
Hg; ?a- a: the pnmaw accent in ille following wards.
[:ipurmn I'IIIIFI-Irnediate iiIIiphmcigrapher iiuIblmk iuigirls
IIIII | -msnns NH} |_ anguages iviiii?edesign
{v} {aj WrIi-EI a letter E-EI :II'IL?ILIF EIDH'IEF ?h?ul ymlr nollege dag celebratm?Ig. [1P1]
ib} WrIiE; a |-.?.-L+-?:r LI:- 'g.-I:II.Ir prIrIprie 350:5: raggIIwJ ||'| ihE?. Cuiiegg

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020