Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 2nd Semester 2018 Sept Principles of Marketing Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 2nd Semester 2018 Sept Principles of Marketing Question Paper

Cudne- hln- 5325
B.EJL LLB. {5 YDCJ 1 ?Year Ir?Samaster Examinatinn. August I Septem her 2513
Subject: L A W
Papar? III : Principles of Marketing
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : ED
PART ? A {5x6=30 Marks]
Answer any FIVE cf the fulluwlng:
,L. Cancers: nf Mark?t'rng
,4? Impartance uf Marketrng
3 Indian Marketing Enwronmen'r
rd? Market sagmeritalinn
,5- F'rndunt p?s'rt-Dmng strategles
6 Pricing Declsiun
(3- Consumer EEh-EWIDUJ'
PART ? B {#11215 = 5:] Marks:
Answer any FDLIR nf the following ques?nns:
#9.? Explaln the EHBtErg'f markenng planmng gwlng unpu rtance to sagmeniatmn strategy
'i? Break-Even AnaIySIS and Target Pram pricinq
_1 1* Elena you propagate for New prndum L?Er'wl?pmem and m manage thi: pludutt Inn:
12' Technique to be fcllowed Fur prrcing strategie?
13 ?113 DbJEElWE'E DI? Integrated markntmg
14 Swans E0 IniTiated tor Quad mametmg my a [T'IHI?HEIIIHQ managear
J15 Impact cf E??-I'IDH'IIC anonment on Husmcas I
16 Faclars In?uencing 131' prlcif?lg Deniainn

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020