Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2020 Feb 4th Year (Final Year) 307001 General Surgery Previous Question Paper
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Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Regular/Supplementary
Examinations February 2020
General Surgery - I
Time: 3 Hours Max marks: 60
? Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space ? Answer all parts of a
single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers ? Draw table/diagrams/flow charts
wherever necessary ? Write section A and section B in separate answer books (32 Pages). Do not mix up
questions from section A and section B.
Q P Code: 307001 Section A ? Surgery (GIT) Marks: 30
Structured Essay (5)
1. A 55 years old woman is admitted with history of progressive jaundice, loss of appetite,
generalized weakness, itching all over the body and weight loss. On examination
patient has hepatomegaly and a globular swelling in the right hypochondrium. Answer
the following:
? What is the probable diagnosis
? What are the investigations to diagnose the disease
? Discuss the management (1+2+2)
Short essays (2x6=12)
2. Familial adenomatous polyposis
3. Pseudo cyst of pancreas
Clinical Situation (3)
4. A young male is brought to casualty with massive hematemesis. On examination
patient has pallor. His pulse rate is 120/min. BP is 80/60 mmHg. Answer the following:
? What are the probable causes
? How will you investigate
? Mention briefly the management
Short notes (5x2=10)
5. Meckel?s diverticulum
6. Hiatus hernia
7. Colonic pseudo obstruction
8. Blunt abdominal trauma evaluation
9. Fistula in ano
Q P Code: 312001 Section B ? Orthopaedics Marks: 30
Essay (6)
1. A 14 years old boy with a swelling of distal thigh of 6 years duration presents with a 3
months history of pain in the swelling and a recent increase in size. There is no history
of trauma. Patient is moderately built. Examination reveals a firm to hard tender
swelling localized to the medial aspect of distal metaphysis of the femur. Discuss:
? Give the probable diagnosis ? Outline its management (2+4)
Short essays (4x3=12)
2. Myositis ossificans.
3. Osteogenesis imperfecta.
4. Stress fracture.
5. Epiphyseal injuries.
Short notes (6x2=12)
6. Sequestrum.
7. Gunstock deformity elbow joint.
8. Morrant Baker?s cyst.
9. Anatomical classification of fracture neck of femur.
10. Bennett?s fracture dislocation.
11. Patellar tap.
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This post was last modified on 26 March 2020