Download KUHS MBBS 2019 Aug 2nd Year 207001 Forensic Medicine And Toxicology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2019 August 2nd Year 207001 Forensic Medicine And Toxicology Previous Question Paper

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Q.P. Code: 207001 Reg. no.: ?
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
July 2019

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (7)
1. Define inquest. Mention the different types of inquest held. Describe in detail about the
magistrate inquest. (1+2+4)
Short notes: (5x3=15)
2. Functions of Indian medical council
3. Algor mortis
4. Confirmative signs of pregnancy
5. Caffey syndrome
6. Delusion

Answer briefly: (5x2=10)
7. Signature fracture
8. False virgin
9. Takayama test
10. Vitriolage
11. Primary impact injury
Differentiate between: (2x2=4)
12. Ligature mark seen in suicidal hanging and strangulation
13. True bruise and artificial bruise
Draw and label: (2x2=4)
14. Vertical section of incisor tooth showing physiological changes
15. Wound of entry of rifled fire arm in a contact shot.
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