Download OU BA (Important Questions) -Ba Computer Applications 6th Sem Question Bank

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Bachelor of Arts) Ba Computer Applications 6th Sem Question Bank (Important Questions)

With Eiffcct from the ?t?ndemic Year 2018*?2019
Mobile Applicatiens Lab
Practical . 2 Hours/Week 1 credit
Create the Screen for the Hello World App
Develop a mobile app 1:0 Create Good Morning Translator App
Design a mobile app to change the Screen's Background Image
Create a mobile app for layout components and Color Blocks
Design the mobile app for the Kilometer Converter
Create mobile app to calculate Test Average
Develop a mobile app to demonstrate Range Checker
Develop a mobile app for Grader App
Design a mobile app to demonstrate checkbox components
Demonstrate a mobile app for LI?Vhile loop
Design a mobile app 1,0 (Ialculale Sum ot?Consecutive Numbers
Design a mobile app to create Lights
Design a mobile app to demonstrate lists
Design a mobile app to validate an Email Address
Design a mobile app to display images ofall states and union territories in India
Design a mobile app ol'your college having college i11forn1ation,features, events and placements
BA. (Computer Applications) ~ Osmania University
Page | 29

With Effect fmm the ficatiemic Year 2018w2019
PHP Programming 606
Practical 2 Hours/Week 1 credit
a.Wr1te a PHP script to find the factorial ofa given number.
1). Write a PHP script 10 find the sum of digits ofa given number.
a. Write a PHP script to find whether the given number is a prime or not.
b. Write a PHP script lo demonstrate the use ofbreak, continue statements using nested loops.
3. Write a PHP script to display the Fibonacci sequence with HTML page.
b. Write a PHP script to create a Chess board.
a. Write a PHP script using built-in string function like strstrQ, stropsO, substr_count0, etc...
b. Write a PHP script to transform a string to uppercase, lowercase letters, make a string's first
character uppercase.
a Write a PHP script that inserts a new item in an array in any position.
b. Write a PHP function to check whether all array values are strings or not.
a) Write a PHP script to count number of elements in an array and display a range ofarray elements.
b) Write a PHP script to sort a multi?dimensional array set by a specific key.
a) Write a PHP script using a function to display the entered string in reverse.
b) Write a PHP script using function for sorting words in a block oftext by length.
a) Write a PHP script for creating the Fibonacci sequence with recursive function.
b) Write a PHP script using pass by value and pass by reference mechanisms in passing arguments to
functions. '
a. Write a PHP script to demonstrate the defining and using object properties.
b. Write a PHP script 10 demonstrate the inheritance.
a. Write a PHP script, to demon?straie the object overloading with _get(), _set(), and _call().
h. Write a PHP script to demonstrate the overloading property accesses with _get() and _set().
,1. Write 3 PH P script to demonstrate the method overloading and method overriding mechanisms.
0. Write a PHP script to demonstrate the use of fin'al classes and ?nal methods.
n.Wri1?e a PHP script to demonstrate the use interfaces.
b. Write a PHP script using constructors and destructors.
Write a PHP application to handling HTML forms with PHP script.
a. Write a PHP script to create a file, write data into file and display the file's data.
b. Write a PHP script to check and change file permissions, copying, renaming and deleting files.
a, Write a PHP application for connecting to MySQL and reading data from database table.
b. Write a PHP application for inserting, updating, deleting records in the database table.
Write a PHP application for student registration form.
BA. (Computer Applications) , ()smania University Page | 31

W ith Effect from the Academic Year 201 8?20 19
Information Security and Cyber Laws Lab 606
Practical 2 Hours/Week 1 credit
1 Demonstrate the use of Network tools: ping, ipcon?g, ifconfig etc...
2 Demonstrate the use of Netwofk tools: tracert, arp, netstat, whois etc.?
Use of Password cracking tools: John the Ripper, Ophcrack.
Verlfy the strength of passwords using these tools,
4 Write a program for performing encryption and decryption operations of Caesar cipher.
5 Write a program {or performing encryption and decryption operations of Rail cipher.
6 Write a program for performing encryption and decryption operations of Monoalphabetic cipher.
7 Write a program for performing encryption and decryption operations of Playfair cipher.
Write a program for performing encryption and decryption operations using Transposition
technique. .
9 Use nmap to analyze a remote machine.
10 Use zenmap to analyze a remote machine.
1 1 Use Burp proxy to capture andlmodify the message.
12 Demonstrate sending of a protected word document.
13 Demonstrate sending of a digitally signed docume'nt.
14 Demonstrate sending ofa protected worksheet.
15 Demonstrate use of steganography tools.
16 Demonstrate use of gpg utility for signing and encrypting purposes.
B.A. (ComputerApplications) ? Osmania University Page | 33

This post was last modified on 27 January 2020