Download KUHS BPT 2nd Year 2019 March 2012 - Scheme 212014 Exercise Therapy Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2018 March 2012 - Scheme 212014 Exercise Therapy Previous Question Paper

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Q.P. Code: 212014 (New Scheme) Reg. No.:?

Second Year BPT Degree Supplementary Examinations March 2018

(2012 Scheme)
Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays (2x14=28)
1. Describe the principles of joint goniometry. Mention the types of goniometers and
their uses. Mention the normal range of motion available at hip joint in all planes.

2. What are the basic neurophysiologic principles that govern proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation. Add a note on rhythmic initiation technique. (8+6)
Short notes (4x8=32)
3. Mention the indications, contraindications and benefits of suspension therapy
4. List the determinants of an exercise program and describe the physiological
responses to aerobic exercises (3+5)
5. Describe the procedure adapted to measure true limb length.
6. Describe the principles of passive movements
Answer briefly (10x4=40)
7. Mention the derived positions attainable from lying position.
8. Closed chain exercises.
9. Measurement procedure for axillary crutch prescription.
10. Mention the precautions and contraindications for hydrotherapy.
11. Mention the causes for impaired balance.
12. Mention the causes for incoordination.
13. What are the contraindications for mobilization techniques
14. Facilitated stretching
15. Degrees of relaxation
16. Mention the principles for isometric exercise prescription.

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This post was last modified on 27 March 2020
