Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2018 September 2010 - Scheme 203014 Exercise Therapy Previous Question Paper
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Q.P. Code: 203014 (Old Scheme) Reg. No.:?
Second Year BPT Degree Supplementary Examinations
September 2018
Exercise Therapy
(2010 Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)
1. Define aerobic exercise. What are the principles of aerobic exercise
2. Define posture. What are active and inactive postures. Explain the principles of re-
education for various postural deviations
Short notes (10x5=50)
3. List the uses of massage.
4. Explain the limb length and limb girth measurement in lower limb.
5. The coughing and huffing exercises.
6. Describe Frenkel?s exercises.
7. Explain two principles of manual muscle testing.
8. Describe the advantages of group exercises.
9. Explain co-ordination tests.
10. What are the principles of passive movements
11. What are the principles and indications of resisted exercises
12. Explain the different types of walking aids
Answer briefly (10x3=30)
13. Describe DeLorme's technique.
14. What is postural drainage. Give two indications.
15. Give the importance of warm-up period in aerobic exercise.
16. Two point gait.
17. Static cycle.
18. What is suspension therapy
19. What is rhythmic stabilization
20. What are multiple angle isometrics
21. Define strength, power and endurance.
22. Mention any three derived positions from sitting.
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