Download KUHS BPT 2nd Year 2017 Aug 2012 - Scheme 211014 Electrotherapy Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2017 August 2012 - Scheme 211014 Electrotherapy Previous Question Paper

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Q.P. Code: 211014 (New Scheme) Reg. No.:?

Second Year BPT Degree Examinations August 2017

(2012 Scheme)
Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x14=28)
1. Define short wave diathermy (SWD). Explain in detail the various methods of
application and the physiological effects SWD. Add a note on the contraindications
for SWD. (2+6+4+2=14)
2. Describe F-G test. Elaborate the technique of plotting a strength-duration (S-D)
curve and interpret the findings. Add a note on the merits and demerits of S-D
curve. (2+6+2+2+2=14)
Short notes (4x8=32)
3. Explain contrast bath with methods of application and benefits. Mention the
indications and contraindications.
4. Therapeutic benefits of application of superficial heating versus cryotherapy.
5. Principles and production of LASER
6. Physiological and therapeutic effects of ultrasound therapy.

Answer briefly (10x4=40)

7. Pain gate theory.
8. Methods of cryotherapy application.
9. Anodal and cathodal galvanism.
10. Base and spectrum in interferential therapy (IFT).
11. Physiological effects of ultra-violet radiation (UVR)
12. Therapeutic benefits of moist heat therapy.
13. Production of micro wave diathermy (MWD)
14. Electro-magnetic spectrum.
15. Method of application of cyclotherm.
16. Therapeutic benefits of pulsed ultrasound therapy.

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