Download KUHS BPT 2nd Year 2016 Oct 2012 - Scheme Microbiology And Pathology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2016 October 2012 - Scheme Microbiology And Pathology Previous Question Paper

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(New Scheme) Reg. No.:?
Second Year BPT Degree Examinations - October 2016
(2012 Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Write section A and section B in separate answer books(32 Pages).
Do not mix up questions from section A and section B.
Q P Code: 214014 Section A ? Microbiology Marks: 50
Essay: (14)
1. Define immunity and explain in detail about different types of immunity.
Short notes: (2x8=16)
2. Define, classify and explain about hypersensitivity
3. Clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of rheumatic heart diseases
Answer briefly: (5x4=20)
4. Polio vaccines
5. Antimicrobials
6. ELISA test
7. Nosocomial infections
8. Filariasis
Q P Code: 215014 Section B ? Pathology Marks: 50
Essay: (14)
1. Explain in detail about types of necrosis and gangrene
Short notes: (2x8=16)
2. Describe in detail the pathogenesis of occupational lung diseases
3. Describe the aetio-pathogenesis and diagnosis of Jaundice.
Answer briefly: (5x4=20)
4. Causes of lymph node enlargement
5. Iron deficiency anemia
6. Protein energy malnutrition
7. Polyps
8. Iodine deficiency goiter
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