Download JNTUA MBA 2018 May-June Supply 1st Sem 14E00101 Management And Organizational Behaviour Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2018 May-June Supplementary 1st Sem 14E00101 Management And Organizational Behaviour Previous Question Paper

Code: 14E00101

MBA I Semester Supplementary Examinations June/July 2018
(For students admitted in 2014, 2015 & 2016 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

(Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

1 Describe the principles of management in detail.
2 Define scientific management and explain what it is.

3 Explain the relationship between controlling and overall management. Discuss the steps in controlling
4 Planning is a blue print of future course of action. Explain the importance of planning in an

5 Explain how perception affects the managerial decision making process.
6 Why should the employees of an organization have knowledge about organizational behaviour?

7 Describe how groups are formed and developed.
8 Explain in detail Herzberg?s two factor theory of motivation.

9 Discuss the pros and cons of autocratic and free rein leadership styles.
10 What are the qualities of a good leader? How can he manage an organization in terms of conflict?

(Compulsory question, 01 X 10 = 10 Marks)
11 Case Study:
Ajay had inherited the business 3 years ago when his father Vijayendra passed away. The business
was started by his father 4 decades ago. It grew to be a midsized corporation. Although Ajay grew up
in the family business, he never understood his father?s approach. His father had treated employees
as part of the family. He paid them well and asked their advice often and spent more time listening to
their ideas & complaints. When Ajay took over he wanted to change things. He wanted to treat
employees as hired help only. He increased production quotas by 20%. He closed the playground
area to expand his plant further. He had plans to cut further pay increases. He stopped asking people
for their advice. He expected his strategy to result in higher profit. But it was not happening. Payroll
costs were lower but personnel costs were up. Training costs had gone up and many employees lefts
the organization. In desperation Ajay hired consultants who after understanding the history of the
organization advised Ajay to go back to the ?Humanistic touch? approach.
(a) How successful do you think Ajay?s new plan will be?
(b) What challenges does Ajay face?

***** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 27 July 2020