
Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2020 Previous Year Question Paper With Answer Key

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DU MA Environmental Studies
Topic: ES MA S2
1) The book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson:
[Question ID = 4729]
1. warns of drying up of springs and brooks due to rising temperatures
[Option ID = 18910]
2. warns of unintended impacts of the overuse of pesticides
[Option ID = 18911]
3. warns of consequences of a large dam project at the Silent Valley
[Option ID = 18912]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 18913]
Correct Answer :
warns of unintended impacts of the overuse of pesticides
[Option ID = 18911]
2) During the period 3000?1800 BCE Indus valley civilization at Harappa had a climate that was:
[Question ID = 4730]

1. cooler than the present day [Option ID = 18914]
2. dryer than the present day [Option ID = 18915]
3. fluctuated between dry and wet periods [Option ID = 18916]
4. wetter than the present day [Option ID = 18917]
Correct Answer :
wetter than the present day [Option ID = 18917]
3) Urbanization in the Gangetic plain during the middle of the first millennium BCE was an outcome of:
[Question ID = 4731]

1. arrival of the Vedic people with established societal hierarchy [Option ID = 18918]
2. domestication of animals [Option ID = 18919]
3. establishment of strong social, economic and political institutions [Option ID = 18920]
4. wide spread use of advanced iron tools which helped in clearing vast forest lands for agriculture [Option ID = 18921]
Correct Answer :
establishment of strong social, economic and political institutions [Option ID = 18920]
4) Karl Polyani argued that the preindustrial economics can be well understood in social contexts and not in economic
terms. This approach is known as:
[Question ID = 4732]

1. Economic approach [Option ID = 18922]
2. Formalist approach [Option ID = 18923]
3. Stone age economic approach [Option ID = 18924]
4. Substantivist approach [Option ID = 18925]
Correct Answer :
Substantivist approach [Option ID = 18925]
5) Potlatch: a tribal feast ceremony is an example of:
[Question ID = 4733]

1. Barter [Option ID = 18926]
2. Levelling mechanism [Option ID = 18927]
3. Reciprocal exchange [Option ID = 18928]
4. Trade [Option ID = 18929]
Correct Answer :
Levelling mechanism [Option ID = 18927]
6) The cultural ecology of India's sacred cattle is the work of:
[Question ID = 4734]

1. Daryll Forde [Option ID = 18930]
2. Julian Stweard [Option ID = 18931]
3. Marvin Harris [Option ID = 18932]
4. Roy A. Rapport [Option ID = 18933]

Correct Answer :
Marvin Harris [Option ID = 18932]
7) The term for a city, where people maximise uses of sustainable renewal energy, reuse material, and have no waste is:
[Question ID = 4735]

1. Acropolis [Option ID = 18934]
2. Ecopolis [Option ID = 18935]
3. Ecropolis [Option ID = 18936]
4. Enviropolis [Option ID = 18937]
Correct Answer :
Ecopolis [Option ID = 18935]
8) Swidden is a form of:
[Question ID = 4736]

1. cultivation [Option ID = 18938]
2. green technology [Option ID = 18939]
3. irrigation [Option ID = 18940]
4. waste disposal [Option ID = 18941]
Correct Answer :
cultivation [Option ID = 18938]
9) Bewar is practiced by:
[Question ID = 4737]

1. Baigas [Option ID = 18942]
2. Bhutias [Option ID = 18943]
3. Murias [Option ID = 18944]
4. Sahariyas [Option ID = 18945]
Correct Answer :
Baigas [Option ID = 18942]
10) Which of the following communities are not pastoral?
[Question ID = 4738]
1. Bakarwals
[Option ID = 18946]
2. Rebbaris
[Option ID = 18947]
3. Todas
[Option ID = 18948]
4. Totos
[Option ID = 18949]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 18949]
11) Which mineral forms first in the cooling magma?
[Question ID = 4739]

1. Mica [Option ID = 18950]
2. Olivine [Option ID = 18951]
3. Quartz [Option ID = 18952]
4. Potassium feldspar [Option ID = 18953]
Correct Answer :
Olivine [Option ID = 18951]
12) Which was the first Indian state to make rain water harvesting compulsory?
[Question ID = 4740]

1. Gujarat [Option ID = 18954]
2. Maharasthra [Option ID = 18955]
3. Rajasthan [Option ID = 18956]
4. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 18957]
Correct Answer :
Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 18957]
13) Under the Forest Rights Act of 2006, transit passes for transport of minor forest produce are issued by:
[Question ID = 4741]

1. Biodiversity Authority [Option ID = 18958]
2. Divisional Forest Officer [Option ID = 18959]
3. District Magistrate [Option ID = 18960]
4. Gram Sabha [Option ID = 18961]
Correct Answer :
Gram Sabha [Option ID = 18961]
14) Spring tide occurs:
[Question ID = 4742]

1. in the spring season [Option ID = 18962]
2. when the moon is in half crescent [Option ID = 18963]
3. when the sun and moon are at right angles with respect to earth [Option ID = 18964]
4. when the sun, moon and earth are linearly aligned [Option ID = 18965]
Correct Answer :
when the sun, moon and earth are linearly aligned [Option ID = 18965]
15) Sulphate aerosols are responsible for:
[Question ID = 4743]

1. Global deforestation [Option ID = 18966]
2. Global desertification [Option ID = 18967]
3. Global dimming [Option ID = 18968]
4. Global warming [Option ID = 18969]
Correct Answer :
Global dimming [Option ID = 18968]
16) Which out of the following are important characteristics of a population?
[Question ID = 4744]

1. Abundance and dispersion [Option ID = 18970]
2. Density and dispersion [Option ID = 18971]
3. Diversity and density [Option ID = 18972]
4. Frequency and density [Option ID = 18973]
Correct Answer :
Density and dispersion [Option ID = 18971]
17) The coal with maximum ash content is:
[Question ID = 4745]

1. Anthracite [Option ID = 18974]
2. High volatile bituminous [Option ID = 18975]
3. Lignite [Option ID = 18976]
4. Subbituminous [Option ID = 18977]
Correct Answer :
Anthracite [Option ID = 18974]
18) According to the India State of Forest Report 2019, the maximum increase in forest cover has been in the state of:
[Question ID = 4746]

1. Karnataka [Option ID = 18978]
2. Madhya Pradesh [Option ID = 18979]
3. Maharashtra [Option ID = 18980]
4. Rajasthan [Option ID = 18981]
Correct Answer :
Karnataka [Option ID = 18978]
19) Photochemical smog is caused by:
[Question ID = 4747]

1. Benzene [Option ID = 18982]
2. Nitrogen oxides [Option ID = 18983]
3. Sulphur dioxide [Option ID = 18984]
4. Water vapour [Option ID = 18985]
Correct Answer :
Nitrogen oxides [Option ID = 18983]
20) What is the Montreux record?
[Question ID = 4748]

1. A register of wetland sites on the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance [Option ID = 18986]
2. A register of sites under the Montreal protocol to identify sites under threat of loss of ozone layer [Option ID = 18987]
3. A register of sites under the Kyoto protocol to identify sites with best practices to reduce greenhouse gases [Option ID = 18988]
4. A register of sites under the Nagoya protocol to identify sites with threats to biodiversity [Option ID = 18989]

Correct Answer :
A register of wetland sites on the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance [Option ID = 18986]
21) World Biodiversity day is celebrated on:
[Question ID = 4749]

1. March 22 [Option ID = 18990]
2. April 22 [Option ID = 18991]
3. May 22 [Option ID = 18992]
4. July 22 [Option ID = 18993]
Correct Answer :
May 22 [Option ID = 18992]
22) A landform formed as a consequence of free fall of rocks is called:
[Question ID = 4750]

1. Alluvial fan [Option ID = 18994]
2. Debris flow [Option ID = 18995]
3. Talus slope [Option ID = 18996]
4. Valley fills [Option ID = 18997]
Correct Answer :
Talus slope [Option ID = 18996]
23) A pyroclastic flow refers to:
[Question ID = 4751]

1. a slow rain of cool ash particles [Option ID = 18998]
2. flow of hot lava [Option ID = 18999]
3. flow of hot ash, lava fragments and gases [Option ID = 19000]
4. flow of air trapped underneath blocks of lava [Option ID = 19001]
Correct Answer :
flow of hot ash, lava fragments and gases [Option ID = 19000]
24) Movement of plates on the earth's crust are caused by:
[Question ID = 4752]

1. convection from the hot interior [Option ID = 19002]
2. gravitational pull of the sun [Option ID = 19003]
3. tidal movements of oceans [Option ID = 19004]
4. solar wind [Option ID = 19005]
Correct Answer :
convection from the hot interior [Option ID = 19002]
25) A terrestrial sedimentary rock formed by precipitation of carbonate materials from solution in ground and surface
waters is known as:
[Question ID = 4753]

1. Pediment [Option ID = 19006]
2. Stalactite [Option ID = 19007]
3. Stalagmite [Option ID = 19008]
4. Travertine [Option ID = 19009]
Correct Answer :
Travertine [Option ID = 19009]
26) In the matter of sharing river waters with neighbours, China adopts a policy of:
[Question ID = 4754]

1. Absolute sovereignty [Option ID = 19010]
2. Benevolent sovereignty [Option ID = 19011]
3. Limited sovereignty [Option ID = 19012]
4. Negotiable sovereignty [Option ID = 19013]
Correct Answer :
Absolute sovereignty [Option ID = 19010]
27) Ecological nationalism refers to:
[Question ID = 4755]

1. Article 51A(g) which states it shall be the national duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the national environment including forests,
lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures [Option ID = 19014]
2. political parties participating in elections with a manifesto to protect the environment [Option ID = 19015]
3. social movements that closely connect issues of environmental protection with nationalist concerns [Option ID = 19016]
4. use of plants or animals as national symbols [Option ID = 19017]
Correct Answer :
social movements that closely connect issues of environmental protection with nationalist concerns [Option ID = 19016]

28) The United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development has:
[Question ID = 4756]

1. 8 goals [Option ID = 19018]
2. 15 goals [Option ID = 19019]
3. 17 goals [Option ID = 19020]
4. 20 goals [Option ID = 19021]
Correct Answer :
17 goals [Option ID = 19020]
29) What is a metacity?
[Question ID = 4757]

1. A sprawling conurbation of 20 million people [Option ID = 19022]
2. A sprawling conurbation of 15 million people [Option ID = 19023]
3. A sprawling conurbation of 10 million people [Option ID = 19024]
4. A sprawling conurbation of 5 million people [Option ID = 19025]
Correct Answer :
A sprawling conurbation of 20 million people [Option ID = 19022]
30) Landfall of cyclone Fani in 2019 was at:
[Question ID = 4758]
1. Cuttack
[Option ID = 19026]
2. Puri
[Option ID = 19027]
3. Vishakapatnam
[Option ID = 19028]
4. Thiruvananthapuram
[Option ID = 19029]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 19027]
31) International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation decade was observed between:
[Question ID = 4759]

1. 1981 ? 1990 [Option ID = 19030]
2. 1991 ? 2000 [Option ID = 19031]
3. 2001 ? 2010 [Option ID = 19032]
4. 2014 ? 2024 [Option ID = 19033]
Correct Answer :
1981 ? 1990 [Option ID = 19030]
32) Which among the following cities was declared as the Tiger Gateway of India?
[Question ID = 4760]
1. Bhopal
[Option ID = 19034]
2. Lucknow
[Option ID = 19035]
3. Mysore
[Option ID = 19036]
4. Nagpur
[Option ID = 19037]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 19037]
33) ________ is an area's shortterm atmospheric condition and ________ is its longterm condition.
[Question ID = 4761]

1. A front, a system [Option ID = 19038]
2. Climate, system [Option ID = 19039]
3. Climate, weather [Option ID = 19040]
4. Weather, climate [Option ID = 19041]

Correct Answer :
Weather, climate [Option ID = 19041]
34) Arrange the process of communication in a sequence:
[Question ID = 4762]

1. Coding, decoding, recipient, channel [Option ID = 19042]
2. Channel, decoding, recipient, encoding [Option ID = 19043]
3. Channel, encoding, recipient, decoding [Option ID = 19044]
4. Encoding, channel, recipient, decoding [Option ID = 19045]
Correct Answer :
Encoding, channel, recipient, decoding [Option ID = 19045]
35) Conscientization model is associated with:
[Question ID = 4763]

1. Mary Richmond [Option ID = 19046]
2. Paul Chowdhary [Option ID = 19047]
3. Paul Friere [Option ID = 19048]
4. Perlman [Option ID = 19049]
Correct Answer :
Paul Friere [Option ID = 19048]
36) Which among these Indian birds is believed to be extinct?
[Question ID = 4764]

1. Jerdon's Courser [Option ID = 19050]
2. Pink headed Duck [Option ID = 19051]
3. Redcrested Pochard [Option ID = 19052]
4. Whitewinged Woodduck [Option ID = 19053]
Correct Answer :
Pink headed Duck [Option ID = 19051]
37) Which one of the following states has created `Organic Commodities Board' to promote and restore value of food crops,
which are mostly grown on marginal lands?
[Question ID = 4765]

1. Jharkhand [Option ID = 19054]
2. Karnataka [Option ID = 19055]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 19056]
4. Uttarakhand [Option ID = 19057]
Correct Answer :
Uttarakhand [Option ID = 19057]
38) According to Recycled Plastics (Manufacture and Usage) Rules 1999, the minimum thickness of carry bags shall not be
less than:
[Question ID = 4766]

1. 10 microns [Option ID = 19058]
2. 20 microns [Option ID = 19059]
3. 30 microns [Option ID = 19060]
4. 50 microns [Option ID = 19061]
Correct Answer :
20 microns [Option ID = 19059]
39) Chaparral, Encinous, Maquis, Melleseab are important areas of:
[Question ID = 4767]

1. Temperate evergreen woodland [Option ID = 19062]
2. Temperate deciduous woodland [Option ID = 19063]
3. Tropical evergreen woodland [Option ID = 19064]
4. Tropical deciduous woodland [Option ID = 19065]
Correct Answer :
Tropical evergreen woodland [Option ID = 19064]
40) "Bermuda grass allergy" is a type of:
[Question ID = 4768]

1. airborne allergy [Option ID = 19066]
2. contact allergy [Option ID = 19067]
3. hydroborne allergy [Option ID = 19068]
4. soilborne allergy [Option ID = 19069]
Correct Answer :
airborne allergy [Option ID = 19066]

41) Which of the following material is not easily broken down?
[Question ID = 4769]
1. Amino acids
[Option ID = 19070]
2. Cellulose
[Option ID = 19071]
3. Chitin
[Option ID = 19072]
4. Hemicellulose
[Option ID = 19073]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 19072]
42) Laterite represents:
[Question ID = 4770]

1. Black cotton soil [Option ID = 19074]
2. Glacial soil [Option ID = 19075]
3. Red soil [Option ID = 19076]
4. Regolith soil [Option ID = 19077]
Correct Answer :
Regolith soil [Option ID = 19077]
43) The mineral most resistant to chemical weathering is:
[Question ID = 4771]

1. Biotite [Option ID = 19078]
2. Olivine [Option ID = 19079]
3. Kfeldspar [Option ID = 19080]
4. Quartz [Option ID = 19081]
Correct Answer :
Quartz [Option ID = 19081]
44) Biooil can be obtained from lignocellulose by:
[Question ID = 4772]

1. Combustion [Option ID = 19082]
2. Fast pyrolysis [Option ID = 19083]
3. Gasification [Option ID = 19084]
4. Transesterification [Option ID = 19085]
Correct Answer :
Fast pyrolysis [Option ID = 19083]
45) Right to clean environment is guaranteed in Indian Constitution by:
[Question ID = 4773]

1. Article 14 [Option ID = 19086]
2. Article 19 [Option ID = 19087]
3. Article 21 [Option ID = 19088]
4. Article 25 [Option ID = 19089]
Correct Answer :
Article 21 [Option ID = 19088]
46) The treatment method recommended for the human anatomical waste generated from hospitals is:
[Question ID = 4774]
1. autoclaving
[Option ID = 19090]
2. chemical disinfection
[Option ID = 19091]
3. incineration
[Option ID = 19092]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 19093]
Correct Answer :

[Option ID = 19092]
47) Which one of the following is used to determine ambient concentration of suspended particulate matter?
[Question ID = 4775]

1. Cascade impactor [Option ID = 19094]
2. FolinWu method [Option ID = 19095]
3. Kjeldahl's Flask [Option ID = 19096]
4. Secchi Disk [Option ID = 19097]
Correct Answer :
Cascade impactor [Option ID = 19094]
48) For the April 2015 Nepal earthquake, the epicentre and the hypocentre were approximately at a depth of
_____________ respectively.
[Question ID = 4776]

1. Barpak and 8 km [Option ID = 19098]
2. Kathmandu and 15 km [Option ID = 19099]
3. Lantang Valley and 50 km [Option ID = 19100]
4. Mt Everest and 25 km [Option ID = 19101]
Correct Answer :
Barpak and 8 km [Option ID = 19098]
49) High concentrations of pollutants at ground level during winter season are due to:
[Question ID = 4777]

1. frontal inversion [Option ID = 19102]
2. landscape induced inversion [Option ID = 19103]
3. radiation inversion [Option ID = 19104]
4. subsidence inversion [Option ID = 19105]
Correct Answer :
radiation inversion [Option ID = 19104]
50) Isogons are the points that join beds of:
[Question ID = 4778]

1. equal dip amount [Option ID = 19106]
2. equal thickness [Option ID = 19107]
3. opposite strike direction [Option ID = 19108]
4. same strike direction [Option ID = 19109]
Correct Answer :
equal dip amount [Option ID = 19106]
51) Wildlife Week in India is celebrated between:
[Question ID = 4779]

1. 1 ? 7 June [Option ID = 19110]
2. 15 ? 21 June [Option ID = 19111]
3. 2 ? 8 October [Option ID = 19112]
4. 15 ? 21 October [Option ID = 19113]
Correct Answer :
2 ? 8 October [Option ID = 19112]
52) Industrial cold cleaning utilizes which of the following chemical substances?
[Question ID = 4780]

1. Carbon tetrachloride [Option ID = 19114]
2. Halons [Option ID = 19115]
3. Hydrocarbons [Option ID = 19116]
4. Methyl chloroform [Option ID = 19117]
Correct Answer :
Methyl chloroform [Option ID = 19117]
53) ENMOD is an acronym for:
[Question ID = 4781]

1. Environmental Management Centre [Option ID = 19118]
2. Environmental Modification Centre [Option ID = 19119]
3. Environmental Management Convention [Option ID = 19120]
4. Environmental Modification Convention [Option ID = 19121]
Correct Answer :
Environmental Modification Convention [Option ID = 19121]

54) The colour of ozone molecule is:
[Question ID = 4782]

1. blue [Option ID = 19122]
2. pale green [Option ID = 19123]
3. pale yellow [Option ID = 19124]
4. white [Option ID = 19125]
Correct Answer :
blue [Option ID = 19122]
55) Annual ozone hole is located over the continent of:
[Question ID = 4783]

1. Antarctica [Option ID = 19126]
2. Africa [Option ID = 19127]
3. North America [Option ID = 19128]
4. South America [Option ID = 19129]
Correct Answer :
Antarctica [Option ID = 19126]
56) Density can be measured through:
[Question ID = 4784]

1. number of individuals per square meter [Option ID = 19130]
2. number of individuals per unit area [Option ID = 19131]
3. number of total populations in a mile [Option ID = 19132]
4. volume per unit mass [Option ID = 19133]
Correct Answer :
number of individuals per unit area [Option ID = 19131]
57) Biomass is the:
[Question ID = 4785]

1. total energy transferred to each trophic level [Option ID = 19134]
2. total mass of living matter at each trophic level [Option ID = 19135]
3. total mass of living things in a forest [Option ID = 19136]
4. total number of living organisms in a given area [Option ID = 19137]
Correct Answer :
total mass of living matter at each trophic level [Option ID = 19135]
58) In any community, various populations live:
[Question ID = 4786]

1. dependently [Option ID = 19138]
2. defencelessly [Option ID = 19139]
3. independently [Option ID = 19140]
4. interdependently [Option ID = 19141]
Correct Answer :
interdependently [Option ID = 19141]
59) Which type of biome has a long dry season?
[Question ID = 4787]

1. Cool Temperate [Option ID = 19142]
2. Savanna [Option ID = 19143]
3. Tropical Rain Forest [Option ID = 19144]
4. Tundra [Option ID = 19145]
Correct Answer :
Savanna [Option ID = 19143]
60) How does the terracing method work for soil conservation?
[Question ID = 4788]
1. It holds the soil on flattened area
[Option ID = 19146]
2. It takes the soil down
[Option ID = 19147]
3. Salinization
[Option ID = 19148]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 19149]
Correct Answer :

It holds the soil on flattened area
[Option ID = 19146]
61) Flowers with narrow, deep petal tubes, such as honeysuckle, are adapted to pollination by:
[Question ID = 4789]

1. crabs [Option ID = 19150]
2. caterpillars [Option ID = 19151]
3. flies [Option ID = 19152]
4. moth or butterflies [Option ID = 19153]
Correct Answer :
moth or butterflies [Option ID = 19153]
62) What are the names of three main zones of biological reserves/protected areas?
[Question ID = 4790]

1. Core Area, Bio Zone, Transition Area [Option ID = 19154]
2. Core Area, Buffer Zone, Transition Area [Option ID = 19155]
3. Core Area, Buffer Zone, Transborder Area [Option ID = 19156]
4. Mantle Area, Buffer Zone, Transition Area [Option ID = 19157]
Correct Answer :
Core Area, Buffer Zone, Transition Area [Option ID = 19155]
63) Where is the water stored in a baobab tree?
[Question ID = 4791]

1. Leaves [Option ID = 19158]
2. Flowers [Option ID = 19159]
3. Fruit [Option ID = 19160]
4. Trunk [Option ID = 19161]
Correct Answer :
Trunk [Option ID = 19161]
64) Height of plants in the tundra is less than:
[Question ID = 4792]

1. 1 metre [Option ID = 19162]
2. 5 metres [Option ID = 19163]
3. 10 metres [Option ID = 19164]
4. 15 metres [Option ID = 19165]
Correct Answer :
1 metre [Option ID = 19162]
65) What are the advantages of selective logging?
[Question ID = 4793]

1. Forest clearance is small and has time for regeneration [Option ID = 19166]
2. Forest regeneration is not possible [Option ID = 19167]
3. Forest clearance is large [Option ID = 19168]
4. Soil erosion [Option ID = 19169]
Correct Answer :
Forest clearance is small and has time for regeneration [Option ID = 19166]
66) Sudd and Okavango swamps are located in:
[Question ID = 4794]

1. America [Option ID = 19170]
2. Africa [Option ID = 19171]
3. Asia [Option ID = 19172]
4. Europe [Option ID = 19173]
Correct Answer :
Africa [Option ID = 19171]
67) Earth summit in Rio in 1992 dealt with major world problems such as:
[Question ID = 4795]

1. marine organism [Option ID = 19174]
2. population growth, climate change, and pollution [Option ID = 19175]
3. sustainable tourism [Option ID = 19176]
4. sustainable use of resources [Option ID = 19177]
Correct Answer :
population growth, climate change, and pollution [Option ID = 19175]
68) Which country is best known of its herd of large mammals?

[Question ID = 4796]
1. India [Option ID = 19178]
2. Kenya [Option ID = 19179]
3. Mozambique [Option ID = 19180]
4. Pakistan [Option ID = 19181]
Correct Answer :
Kenya [Option ID = 19179]
69) Why do deciduous trees shed their leaves during dry seasons?
[Question ID = 4797]

1. To reduce water loss [Option ID = 19182]
2. To reduce nutrient loss [Option ID = 19183]
3. Stop growing [Option ID = 19184]
4. Stop absorbing moisture [Option ID = 19185]
Correct Answer :
To reduce water loss [Option ID = 19182]
70) Among the five major mass extinctions, the groups that experienced mass extinction during the Triassic period were:
[Question ID = 4798]

1. bryozoans [Option ID = 19186]
2. large mammals [Option ID = 19187]
3. reptiles and marine molluscs [Option ID = 19188]
4. placoderm fishes [Option ID = 19189]
Correct Answer :
reptiles and marine molluscs [Option ID = 19188]
71) Which of the following gases in air leads to discoloration of brass?
[Question ID = 4799]

1. Carbon dioxide [Option ID = 19190]
2. Ozone [Option ID = 19191]
3. Hydrogen sulphide [Option ID = 19192]
4. Nitric oxide [Option ID = 19193]
Correct Answer :
Hydrogen sulphide [Option ID = 19192]
72) Identify the correctly matched pair:
[Question ID = 4800]

1. Basel Convention ? Biodiversity conservation [Option ID = 19194]
2. Kyoto Protocol ? Climate change [Option ID = 19195]
3. Montreal Protocol Global warming [Option ID = 19196]
4. Ramsar Convention ? Ground water pollution [Option ID = 19197]
Correct Answer :
Kyoto Protocol ? Climate change [Option ID = 19195]
73) The book "Poor Economics" is written by:
[Question ID = 4801]

1. Abhijit Vinayak Banerji [Option ID = 19198]
2. Amartya Sen [Option ID = 19199]
3. Jagdish Bhagwati [Option ID = 19200]
4. Raghuram Rajan [Option ID = 19201]
Correct Answer :
Abhijit Vinayak Banerji [Option ID = 19198]
74) To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life is a Fundamental Duty
under which of the following provisions of Indian Constitution?
[Question ID = 4802]

1. Article 51 A (b) [Option ID = 19202]
2. Article 51 A (d) [Option ID = 19203]
3. Article 51 A (g) [Option ID = 19204]
4. Article 51 A (f) [Option ID = 19205]
Correct Answer :
Article 51 A (g) [Option ID = 19204]
75) Which of the following international agreements was adopted with the aim to protect the Ozone Layer from depletion?
[Question ID = 4803]

1. Cartagena Protocol 2000 [Option ID = 19206]
2. Montreal Protocol 1987 [Option ID = 19207]
3. Nagoya Protocol 2010 [Option ID = 19208]

4. Stockholm Convention 2001 [Option ID = 19209]
Correct Answer :
Montreal Protocol 1987 [Option ID = 19207]
76) The National Green Tribunal (NGT) concerning protection of environment and conservation of forest and other natural
resources was established for achieving which of the following purposes?

[Question ID = 4804]
1. Effective and expeditious disposal of cases
[Option ID = 19210]
2. Enforcement of any legal right
[Option ID = 19211]
3. Giving relief and compensation for damages
[Option ID = 19212]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 19213]
Correct Answer :
All of these
[Option ID = 19213]
77) Which deciduous tree has an umbrella like top that shades the ground below, reducing evaporation from the soil?
[Question ID = 4805]

1. Acacia [Option ID = 19214]
2. Baobab [Option ID = 19215]
3. Cactus [Option ID = 19216]
4. Deodar [Option ID = 19217]
Correct Answer :
Acacia [Option ID = 19214]
78) The definition of `Sustainable Development' emerged from:
[Question ID = 4806]

1. Bruntland Commission Report [Option ID = 19218]
2. Earth Summit [Option ID = 19219]
3. Stockholm Conference [Option ID = 19220]
4. World Summit on Sustainable Development [Option ID = 19221]
Correct Answer :
Bruntland Commission Report [Option ID = 19218]
79) Which of the following International agreements was adopted with the objective to ensure access to genetic resources
and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use?
[Question ID = 4807]

1. Cartagena Protocol 2000 [Option ID = 19222]
2. Nagoya Protocol 2010 [Option ID = 19223]
3. Paris Agreement 2015 [Option ID = 19224]
4. Rio Declaration 1992 [Option ID = 19225]
Correct Answer :
Nagoya Protocol 2010 [Option ID = 19223]
80) Although the National Green Tribunal (NGT) is not bound by the procedures under the Civil Procedure Code and is
guided by its own procedures, yet in discharging its functions NGT may act as which of the following courts?

[Question ID = 4808]
1. (1) Civil Court
[Option ID = 19226]
2. (2) Criminal Court
[Option ID = 19227]
3. (3) Consumer Court
[Option ID = 19228]
4. (4) Both (1) and (2)
[Option ID = 19229]
Correct Answer :
(1) Civil Court
[Option ID = 19226]

81) Which of the following is recognised as the National Tree of India?
[Question ID = 4809]

1. Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis) [Option ID = 19230]
2. Mango Tree (Mangifera indica) [Option ID = 19231]
3. Peepal Tree (Ficus religiosa) [Option ID = 19232]
4. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) [Option ID = 19233]
Correct Answer :
Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis) [Option ID = 19230]
82) Soils in tropical forests are:
[Question ID = 4810]
1. (1) thin
[Option ID = 19234]
2. (2) nutrient poor
[Option ID = 19235]
3. (3) Both (1) and (2)
[Option ID = 19236]
4. (4) None of these
[Option ID = 19237]
Correct Answer :
(3) Both (1) and (2)
[Option ID = 19236]
83) Wetlands are important to conservation efforts because:
[Question ID = 4811]
1. they support rich biodiversity
[Option ID = 19238]
2. they retain storm water
[Option ID = 19239]
3. they are breeding grounds for birds
[Option ID = 19240]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 19241]
Correct Answer :
All of these
[Option ID = 19241]
84) Aquatic ecosystems typically show changes in _________ with increased depth.
[Question ID = 4812]
1. light availability
[Option ID = 19242]
2. oxygen availability
[Option ID = 19243]
3. nutrient availability
[Option ID = 19244]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 19245]
Correct Answer :
All of these
[Option ID = 19245]
85) Archaic genes of the Neanderthal are most likely to be found in _________.
[Question ID = 4813]
1. (1) populations in Africa
[Option ID = 19246]
2. (2) populations outside Africa

[Option ID = 19247]
3. (3) Both (1) and (2)
[Option ID = 19248]
4. (4) Neither (1) and (2)
[Option ID = 19249]
Correct Answer :
(2) populations outside Africa
[Option ID = 19247]
86) The water in the vicinity of a volcano is acidic due to the presence of:
[Question ID = 4814]

1. Chlorine [Option ID = 19250]
2. Hydrogen bromide [Option ID = 19251]
3. Sulphate [Option ID = 19252]
4. Sulphur [Option ID = 19253]
Correct Answer :
Hydrogen bromide [Option ID = 19251]
87) What are the key types of ecosystem services?
[Question ID = 4815]

1. Provision, Regulation, Support and Social service [Option ID = 19254]
2. Provision, Regulation, Support and Labour [Option ID = 19255]
3. Provision and Social service [Option ID = 19256]
4. Regulation and Support [Option ID = 19257]
Correct Answer :
Provision, Regulation, Support and Social service [Option ID = 19254]
88) ______________ of Tarun Bharat Sangh, a leading grass roots level nongovernmental organization, has been active,
especially in the state of Rajasthan, in conserving water sources by involving the local communities.

[Question ID = 4816]
1. Medha Patekar
[Option ID = 19258]
2. Rajinder Singh
[Option ID = 19259]
3. Valmik Thapar
[Option ID = 19260]
4. Vandana Shiva
[Option ID = 19261]
Correct Answer :
Rajinder Singh
[Option ID = 19259]
89) What is a tort?
[Question ID = 4817]
1. A breach of contract
[Option ID = 19262]
2. A criminal act leading to injury to the victim
[Option ID = 19263]
3. Civil wrong other than a breach of contract redressable by unliquidated damages
[Option ID = 19264]
4. None of these
[Option ID = 19265]
Correct Answer :
Civil wrong other than a breach of contract redressable by unliquidated damages
[Option ID = 19264]
90) The theme, Transforming our world: 2030 Agenda pertains to:
[Question ID = 4818]
1. climate change ? action plans

[Option ID = 19266]
2. millennium development goals
[Option ID = 19267]
3. protection of ozone layer
[Option ID = 19268]
4. sustainable development goals
[Option ID = 19269]
Correct Answer :
sustainable development goals
[Option ID = 19269]
91) The modern environmental movement began with:
[Question ID = 4819]
1. the Earth Summit at Rio
[Option ID = 19270]
2. the establishment of the National Park Service
[Option ID = 19271]
3. the publication of Silent Spring
[Option ID = 19272]
4. the publication of the first photograph of the earth from space
[Option ID = 19273]
Correct Answer :
the publication of Silent Spring
[Option ID = 19272]
92) The innermost layer of the earth is made up of:
[Question ID = 4820]

1. Nickel and iron [Option ID = 19274]
2. Nickel and silicon [Option ID = 19275]
3. Silicon and aluminium [Option ID = 19276]
4. Silicon and magnesium [Option ID = 19277]
Correct Answer :
Nickel and iron [Option ID = 19274]
93) A country or an organization is permitted to produce a certain amount of carbon emission and this permit can be traded
if the full allowance is not used. This is called:
[Question ID = 4821]

1. Carbon allowance [Option ID = 19278]
2. Carbon barter [Option ID = 19279]
3. Carbon credit [Option ID = 19280]
4. Carbon sequesters [Option ID = 19281]
Correct Answer :
Carbon credit [Option ID = 19280]
94) Drainage basins with thousands of streams and rivers draining into them are also called:
[Question ID = 4822]

1. Cairns [Option ID = 19282]
2. Calderas [Option ID = 19283]
3. Runoff zones [Option ID = 19284]
4. Watersheds [Option ID = 19285]
Correct Answer :
Watersheds [Option ID = 19285]
95) Which of the following is a world famous beach for the `Arribada' (arrival) of Olive Ridley Turtles in India?
[Question ID = 4823]
1. Gahirmata, Orissa
[Option ID = 19286]
2. Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat
[Option ID = 19287]
3. Kovalam Beach, Kerala
[Option ID = 19288]

4. Marina Beach, Chennai
[Option ID = 19289]
Correct Answer :
Gahirmata, Orissa
[Option ID = 19286]
96) Which among the following is regarded as the largest oil spill event?
[Question ID = 4824]

1. Deepwater Horizon oil spill [Option ID = 19290]
2. The Kolva river spill [Option ID = 19291]
3. The Ixtoc I oil spill [Option ID = 19292]
4. The Atlantic Empress oil spill [Option ID = 19293]
Correct Answer :
Deepwater Horizon oil spill [Option ID = 19290]
97) The largest river island Majuli is situated on which river?
[Question ID = 4825]
1. Barak
[Option ID = 19294]
2. Brahmaputra
[Option ID = 19295]
3. Gomati
[Option ID = 19296]
4. Narmada
[Option ID = 19297]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 19295]
98) Which of the following is not likely to be a symptom of the novel COVID19?
[Question ID = 4826]

1. Abdominal Itching [Option ID = 19298]
2. Cough [Option ID = 19299]
3. Fever [Option ID = 19300]
4. Shortness of breath [Option ID = 19301]
Correct Answer :
Abdominal Itching [Option ID = 19298]
99) Which of the following was not a part of the Gondwanaland?
[Question ID = 4827]

1. Africa [Option ID = 19302]
2. Antarctica [Option ID = 19303]
3. North America [Option ID = 19304]
4. South America [Option ID = 19305]
Correct Answer :
North America [Option ID = 19304]
100) Modification of which of the following hypothesis best represents a relationship between environmental quality and
economic development?
[Question ID = 4828]

1. Indifference curve [Option ID = 19306]
2. Kuznets curve [Option ID = 19307]
3. Laffer curve [Option ID = 19308]
4. Phillips curve [Option ID = 19309]
Correct Answer :
Kuznets curve [Option ID = 19307]

This post was last modified on 27 December 2020